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(I'm trying to think of different ways to greet you guys lol) This is the final Harry update (I never wrote it in KINGDOM, though). It takes place a few weeks after Angie's depression. I've also written the scene where Lux comes to tutor Darcy. P.S. The Darcy/Harry scene was suggested by Alliexblackwell, so props to her :]

The next update will be on Becky and Tony. (There will only be one update about them). Please comment below if you have any specific Tony and Becky (Tecky? Bony? Banthony? Tebecca? lol) scenes you guys would like me to write. I know their relationship wasn't as explicit, rather, it was woven into the saga, but if there are any specifc scenes you guys would like me to write, let me know! I work 6 days a week, but hopefully, I'll find some time to write and post the next update in 2-3 days.

Thanks guys,

Mariam A. Xx


I was out in the park, resting by a burly oak tree. Darcy sat on my lap. She laid back against my chest, letting her head rest under my chin. 

"Your chin is ticklish, daddy," she pointed at my stubble. I grinned, taking her hand in mine and kissing it. 

"Sorry, baby, I didn't shave today," I admitted. Darcy patted my chin, laughing as my prickly stubble tickled her small fingers. 

Then she grew quiet as she looked off into the distance, watching as the magenta and crimson streaking the sky was replaced by a calming, soothing blue. Darcy had trouble sleeping last night so I took her out here to Monarch Park.

Darcy has been quiet distant recently. Her principal told Angie and I that she was being tested for dyslexia and as much as I hated to admit there was anything at all wrong with my child, Darcy actually was dyslexic. 

She was an exceptionally bright girl and was in the advanced math class, but English was her tough spot. I just wished I had known earlier so I could have helped her more, practiced with her or at least hired a tutor. I could still find a tutor for her.

 Darcy played with a few blades of grass.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked carefully, taking her hand in mine. Darcy leaned her head against my chest, sighing deeply. 

"Nothing, daddy," she murmured. I laughed casually. 

"Since when did you start answering questions like a teenager?" I joked. Darcy didn't laugh. My chest tightened. I couldn't even imagine the day when Darcy would be a teenager. I'd have to lock her in the room or put a tracker on her that detected any ounce of testosterone in a ten mile radius of her.

Darcy brushed a stray curl out of her eyes. Those eyes may be mine, but they fit her face so sweetly. They were much too big compared to the rest of her features and that's exactly why they made her look so cute.

"I'm the oldest, aren't I? I have to be more responsible, more like a grown up," Darcy told me, but her voice softened. I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her closer to me. 

"Baby, you're still my little girl. You'll always be my little girl. You don't have to act like an adult," I reassured her, but she shook her head of bonde curls and tightened her grip around my hands.

"I should have helped you, daddy. I should have done the dishes and not watched American Horror Story when you told me not to. I should have changed Farah's diapers. I'm in second grade, daddy and I'm a big sister. I should have acted like one," she shook her head violently. Her eyes never left mine, which only made my heart ache and my mind buzz with confusion. 

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