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Angie rested in the passenger seat. I kept an arm around her waist as I drove her to her house. She kissed my shoulder as she curled her body against my chest.

I parked hurriedly in her lot. Danny's smile disappeared when he opened the front door.

"Jesus, what happened?!" he gasped as he reached for Angie. I scooped her up and carried her inside. She mumbled something under her breath and kept trying to stand.

"She fainted," I told him. It was partially the truth. Angie certainly wasn't feeling well and I didn't have time to be interrogated by Danny.

Danny reached for Angie. “I can take her,” he told me. I ignored him and began walking up the steps. Danny stood infront of me, narrowing his eyes just enough to show his annoyance. 

"It's ok, I can do it," I shook my head and wrapped my arms more tightly around her back and under her thighs, holding her close to my chest. I don't know why, but I was slightly annoyed at Danny. I wished he had told me more about their dad so I wouldn't have taken Angie to the very place the her old man was killed. Jeez.



Danny finally agreed and I took Angie to her room. With or without Danny's permission, I would have taken Angela upstairs and brought her soup or medicine or whatever she needed.

I laid Angie down on her bed and tucked her in, being careful not to bring the blanket up too high. Her forehead was damp with sweat and she was burning up. I kissed her cheek and stroked her hair, waiting on Danny to bring an Advil for her headache.

I knelt down beside Angie's bed. "Harry," she spoke up as I laid her down.

“You have to sleep, Angie,” I murmured, taking her hand in mine and bringing it to my lips. I turned as I heard Danny's footsteps.

He shook his head as he looked down upon Angie in her bed.

“Angie, why do you scare me like this?” he whispered harshly. I knew he was both mad and nervous for Angie. It wasn't her fault she had a nervous breakdown, but that didn't make Danny any less anxious about Angie and her health. 

“I’m sorry, Danny," Angie spoke up. Danny sighed.       

“Get some rest, Angela,” he patted her shoulder. Then he turned to me.

“Thank you, man. I really appreciate it," he smiled curtly. I began to turn away, but Danny gripped my shoulder.

“Could you watch her for a few hours? Take care of her until I come home from work?” he asked.

I glanced at Angie, then back at Danny. "Yeah," I agreed.

Once I heard the front door click, I laid on the edge of Angie's bed, stroking her hair until she fell asleep. I stared at my phone, reading and reading Louis' text. There was no doubt in my mind as to what I needed to do. I just hoped Angie wouldn't find out. 

Angie shifted under the covers. Then she sucked in a breath and gasped quietly. I rubbed her cheeks. 

“Angie, what’s wrong?” I asked quietly. She clutched my arm, pulling me closer.

“I have to protect your heart,” she pointed frantically at my chest.


I cupped her face in my hands, stroking her cheeks.

“Angie, what are you talking about?" I shook my head slowly. She darted quick glances at my face and chest.

“Your heart, Harry! I have to protect it,” she squeaked, poking at my chest. She unzipped my jacket and pressed her hands to my chest, feeling the rhythm of my heart. 

The Angel with Papery Wings [prequel]Where stories live. Discover now