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It's crazy how one minor decision can change everything. I can't choose between saving Angie and talking sense into Lux's mother, but all I can say is that I don't regret what I decided. Lux's mom is bound to come by another day. But if Angie had been hurt at that party, God knows if she would even be alive today...

Without a thought, I rushed out of the hospital, leaving Connie standing there, staring at Lux's clipboard. I had the strange and sudden urge to see Angie. Even if she's sitting at her desk, reading a book, I just need to see that she's ok. I just need to reassure myself.

I was driving through Westwood, headed to Danny and Angie's place when I noticed Lorenzo's, the restaurant Angie's creepy uncle owned. I used to work there when I was in high school, but I rarely go there, unless Danny wants to hang out. Angie works at the restaurant now.

I decided to peak through the window to see if she might be there instead of at home. Carefully, I squinted through the side window. The couple on the other side glared at me. I ignored them and scanned the restaurant for Angela. I noticed Carlo smirking at a young blonde girl. She bent down to pick up menus that previous customers had dropped and Carlo stared at her ass. I rolled my eyes. What a creep.

Then my eye caught on a woman with dark hair tied in a loose bun. Her white, button-down shirt followed the contour of her chest without revealing much cleavage at all. Her plain black dress pants fit her legs loosely, but was slightly tight around her waist and hips. She clutched a few menus to her chest. Carlo pushed at her shoulder, urging her toward a table of young college-aged boys. One of them winked at her. Another one palmed her ass. Oh hell no.

I rushed past a couple who strolled casually into the restaurant. 

"Excuse you," the man hissed. 

"Sorry, man," I apologized plainly. My eyes were focused on Angie and those hungry-looking pervs who were staring at her. She brought them their meals, but one of them slid his filthy hand along her thigh.

“Hey! I thought I told you not to touch her,” I spoke up, narrowing my eyes at him. How dare these pervs come after Angie again, after what they tried last night. 

The guys turned to me. The moment their eyes met mine, they shivered nervously. Good. They should be begging for my mercy. But their leader, the slick brown-haired man with sharp blue eyes, merely sat there casually. 

My fists doubled at my sides. His smug grin was pissing me off. 

“I'm sorry," he apologized tersely. "I must not have heard you last night, over all her screaming,” he grinned, winking at Angie. Angie avoided his eyes and shivered slightly.

“Do you want to go to the hospital, kid?” I asked sternly. If he said one more word, just one more word, I'll sock him in his perfect little jaw. 

His friends laughed nervously. Seeing the marks and bruises that I left on them the other night made me grin. They should be grateful I spared them. But their leader seemed to enjoy taunting me.

“Sure. As long as I'm in the East wing. The West wing reeks of trash like you,” he spat. 

I swung my arm straight at his nose. My knuckles crunched against his face and he fell back against another table, crashing into plates of bread sticks and marinara sauce. 

Angie squeaked, staring at me with bewildered eyes. She looked as though she needed her inhaler and my presence certainly didn't help her irregular breathing.

The leader's friends gripped my arms and pulled me back before I slugged the him again. He stood up and wiped the lasagna on his jaw and the blood from his nose.

The Angel with Papery Wings [prequel]Where stories live. Discover now