PAWNS: Baby Darc

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So I'll be writing these short A/N's for all the extended chapters since the scenes are random and out of order and I don't want anyone to be confused. In this scene, Darcy is nearly 2 years old and Angie is pregnant with the twins. I never wrote this scene in PAWNS, but I've been planning it in my head for weeks now lol. After this update, I will do two more updates, a scene from KINGDOM, when Angie becomes depressed and Harry has to take care of all the kids. Then, I will write one finale update in Danny's POV. 

Anyway, please enjoy this update! :]

Your bae, 

Mariam A.

lmao, that was a weird way to end an A/N


I was in bed, beside Angie. She rested her head against my shoulder while Darcella laid her soft, tiny body against my chest.  I could feel the gentle beat of her heart in her chest, keeping sync with mine. She wiggled slightly, sucking on her thumb. I smiled down at her and kissed her chubby cheeks, rubbing her back soothingly as she slept. She was so precious, my own flesh and blood.

Darcy always slept on my chest, ever since she was a newborn. I couldn't let her sleep all alone in her crib. It was five feet away from me. That was much too far. I loved having her sleep on my chest and she loved sleeping there. 

No matter how many times I kissed her and held her, I would never get enough of my baby girl. She would always be my baby girl: adorable and blonde. I toyed with a few of her blonde curls. Niall always teased me that Darcy wasn't actually my baby because her hair was so much lighter than mine, but Angie would never cheat on me. Plus, Darcy had my round eyes and my dimples, and my ...attitude. She was unbelievably stubborn, but very charming. My blood ran in her veins, I'm sure of it.

I glanced at Angela, then back at Darcy. I wrapped my arm around Angie's shoulder as she snuggled up close to me, patting at her stomach. I kissed her belly.

Angie took slow, deep breaths, rubbing her swollen belly. I leaned down and kissed her lips. She smiled in her sleep and yawned. I didn't give her much of a break after Darcy was born. She's already 8 months pregnant with our twin boys. Twins. Not one baby, but two. It felt like last week when I barged in on Angie's date with Liam and confessed my feelings, kissing her against a harsh concrete wall.

And now, she has given me the most precious gift of all, and two more on the way. I used to think winning Angela's hand in marriage would be the ultimate prize I could only dream of earning, but it wasn't. Having children with her, creating life from love, that was priceless.

"Would you like some breakfast, honey?" Angie asked sleepily. She began to sit up in bed, smiling down at Darcy. Darcy leaned up from my chest and tugged at my face and hair, giggling all the while.

"Oh no, this is your day off, Angie. I'm making breakfast for the three of us," I told her. She smiled up at me. Soon, it will be the five of us.

Five. Five in the Styles family. I shook my head as I recalled the days when I was locked up in that filthy prison, laughing when Dr. Sheperd told me I would be a good father and husband one day. I was too stubborn and insecure to accept that someone could love me unconditionally and want to live with me, to have a family with me. But it has happened and I couldn't be prouder.

Darcy grabbed my nose in her tiny fist and then poked at my cheeks with her fingers. I laughed.

"Daddy, wake up," she urged. Her soft voice sounding shrill at this early hour.

I took her hand in my mouth, pretending to eat it. She giggled loudly.

"Daddy, stop!" she laughed. I scooped her up in my arms and rocked her back and forth. She  jumped from my arms and climbed onto my neck, dangling her bare little legs over my shoulders.

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