The Beginning

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"Why are you being like this?" Grayson asked me.

"Ummm because it wasn't something for you to share!" I tell him as I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Call me when you're done being a brat." he tells me while walking out of my bedroom.

I plop on my bed & sigh. I hate fighting with him, but he never fails to get on my nerves.

I walk downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"What was that about?" my mom asked me.

"Grayson told someone about my... hospital visit, then they told people & now it's going around school that I have some disease, which obviously isn't true." I tell her, mad as ever.

"Oh, honey. You just need to learn how to not let people get to you & ignore what everyone else thinks. Okay? Yes, Grayson shouldn't have told that person, but he can't take that back." She tells me, thinking she's my therapist.

"Alright." I say & walk into the living room.

I text Ethan & invite him over for dinner. He's the twin I can actually stand most of the time. Dont get me wrong, I love Grayson with all my heart, but he just doesn't know how to handle certain situations like Ethan.

"Mom, Ethan's coming over for dinner!" I yell at her & I get an 'okay' in response.

"I'll be there in 5." Ethan texts me.

I get up & go hide behind the door. Ethan always gets scared, so I take this opportunity to scare the poo out of him.

A few minutes later, Ethan comes strolling in. As he goes to shut the door, I jump in front of him & yell, "BOO".

He got so scared that he fell on his butt. I thought I was going to have an asthma attack from laughing so hard.

"That... was.... hilarious." I croak out.

Ethan gives me a death glare & goes into the kitchen to make conversation with my mom.

"So how have you been Mrs.Bradshaw?" Ethan asks my mom.

"Oh hun, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Samantha?" She giggles out.

"Sorry. Samantha, how have you been?" He laughs out.

"I'm good. Other than that booger over there driving me to insanity." She says & points at me.

I grab my heart, acting hurt but they just laugh.

"Hey! I could've actually been hurt!" I say, trying not to laugh.

My mom smiles at me & says, "Yall go set the table."

I grab the plates as Ethan gets the cups.

"Is Grayson gonna come over, too?" I ask Ethan, so I know how many plates to set out.

"I don't know. I'll call him." Ethan says, dialing Grayson's number.

All I hear is an 'okay' from Ethan, so I get scared.

"He said he had too much homework to do." He said, but not meeting eye contact.

"He's mad at me.." I say, trying to choke back the tears.

Ethan rushes over & holds me tightly in his arms. He kisses my head & says, "No, that's not it. He really does have homework. Chemistry is killing him."

I back away & just nod. Grayson & I fight over a lot of things. Then Ethan is the one who makes us make up with each other. He always comforts me.

"Is dad coming?" I ask my mom.

I look at her when she says, "No. He told me he had too much work. I guess it'll just be the 3 of us."

I look down, upset. Ethan gives me a smile that says 'I'm sorry'. I just gently smile back at him.

We set up 3 plates & 3 cups. I sit in between my mom & Ethan.

My mom says grace & we dig in. Mom made orange chicken & rice, with some egg rolls from the store.

Mom talks about her day, & so does Ethan. They look at me to share about my day, but I didn't want to talk about it.

It's been a rough day.

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