Day One

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The day after Meredith successfully moved in completely was the day her mom would let her go to the local fair with me, Ethan, & Grayson.

I was currently sitting on the edge of my bed, clothed in some light washed high waisted shorts, a navy blue shirt, & my high top navy converse; my hair in a straightened messy ponytail, also with some light makeup. I was scrolling through instagram, waiting on Meredith to text me & tell me she was ready.

My phone dings & I see the name 'Ethan💗' pop up, he had texted me.

"Are you ready?" His texts says.

I type back, "I am. but Mere isn't yet. She's supposed to text me when she is. I'll let yall know."

About 2 minutes later, I get a text from Meredith tell me she's ready.

"she's ready, meet yall outside." I text Ethan.

I quickly grab my purse & make my way downstairs. My mom was sitting on the couch, watching Scandal. I go over to her & kiss her on the cheek.

"Be careful & be good. Call me if you need me." She tells me, not looking away from the tv. I could tell she had been crying, but I decided to not think anything of it.

"I will, mom. love you." I tell her & walk out the door, shutting it behind me.

I see Meredith on her phone, walking toward my house. She was wearing some cute patterend flowy shorts with a coral colored flowy shirt, paired with some brown sandals. Her haor was in a messy bun.

My house was in the middle of hers & the twins, it was perfect.

"Mere!" I yell at her, signaling her to come over to me. I meet her at the end of my driveway, & we sit on the pavement while waiting on the boys.

"Are you excited?" I ask her.

"Mhmm." She hums, not looking up from her phone.

"Mere." I snap in front of her face, startling her so she looks at me.

"I'm just nervous, like extremely nervous. I've never done anything like this before." She says.

I notice her anxiety getting the best of her so I hug her.

"They're just boys. They're just like you & me. Trust me, they're even goofier than us." I laugh.

She exhales a big breath, & we shoot our heads over to the twins house, hearing a slam. My eyes go straight to Ethan, his brown & blue hair blowing in the wind as he runs over to us.

I smile at him & runs into my arms. We hug for a minute, then let go so Meredith & Ethan could say hello.

I see Grayson smiling at Meredith, as she looks at the ground, blushing.

I smile awkwardly at Grayson as I say, "Hey, Gray."

He comes & hugs me, whisper in my ear, "I'm sorry for arguing with you so much lately. School has gotten the best of me."

"It's okay. I forgive you." I whisper back, squeezing him before letting go.

"Who wants to go have FUN?!" Ethan yells, making me jump.

"Awww, Mak, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He says, trying to hold back his laugh.

But it's Ethan, he can't hold back a laugh. So of course, screams out that adorable laugh of his & my heart melts.

"Wait. Are we walking or driving?" I ask, confused.

"Let's take my Mustang!" Ethan yells out, scaring me once again.

We all walk over to his fancy car, Gray & Mere getting in the back, leaving me up front with Ethan.

He starts the car & I turn on the radio. "Paris" by The Chainsmokers comes on & I turn it up loud. I open the sunroof, soaking in the sun & feeling the wind.

Around 25 minutes later, we pull into the fairground. Ethan follows the traffic & parks in the closet spot he could find. We all get out of the car, & I decide to leave my purse in the car.

Ethan comes over to my side of the car, & intertwines his hand in mine, smiling at me.

I look over at Meredith, seeing her smiling to herself. Grayson walks right beside her, looking off in the distance, probably thinking of what we're going to eat for lunch.

Speaking of, I didn't know what time it was. So, with my left hand, the free one, I take my iPhone 7 out of my back pocket & check my clock. it was 11:37. We had a while till lunch.

We walk over to the lady who takes our money for wristbands, which we all get one. Then we make our way over to the Farris Wheel. Ethan was hesitant to get on at first, but I finally made him.

Grayson & Meredith decided to go ride some ride that just spins you in circles, which doesn't appeal to me.

The Farris Wheel stopped at the very top, which frightened Ethan.

"Can this thing break?" His voice shakes.

"The chance is very low." I tell him, rubbing his hand.

He seemed to calm down when I rubbed his hand.

After 2 minutes of sitting at the top of the ride, Ethan looks at me seriously.

"E, if you puke on me, I swear." I tell him, trying not to laugh.

"I've wanting to tell you this for a while now." He says, looking into my eyes making it impossible to look away.

"What is it?" I ask him, intrigued.

"Makena, I like you a lot." He says quickly.

"I-I like you too, Ethan." I tell him, smiling, probably creepily big.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me, his eyes hopeful.

"Of course I will." I smile big at him.

He leans in & my heart stops.

But, of course it starts beating again when he just kisses my forehead.

"Are you okay?" I notice Ethan looked like he was going to vomit.

"I was just really nervous & this ride isn't making it much better." He says, looking extremely happy when the wheel starts taking us back down to the bottom.

We get off & I text Meredith to find out where they were. I wanted to be alone with Ethan, but I couldn't go all day with telling Meredith my big news.

THE Ethan Dolan asked me to be his girlfriend.

I never thought this day would come.

The rest of the day would be amazing.

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