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It's been a week since Meredith informed me of her moving. Today was the day. Today was the day I was going to get to hug my best friend again.

"She's here, MaKena!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

I quickly jump off my bed & sprint downstairs. I make my way to the door, opening it like there's no tomorrow.

Meredith sees me & we run into each others arms. I sob into her neck & I think she was also crying.

"God, I missed you." I whisper to her.

She squeezes me then let's go.

"I missed you so much." She says, tear forming in her eyes.

"Mere! We need your help. You can catch up with MaKena later." Meredith's father yells.

"I'll help you guys." I smile at her. She smiles back & we make our way to the moving truck.

Meredith & I talked about her drive over here while I helped them unpack. 2 hours later, her parents let us take a break.

"Should I call the twins & have them meet us at Taco Bell?" I ask her, laughing when she excitedly shakes her head yes.

"Hey!" I say to Ethan, "me & Meredith are taking a break from unpacking, do you guys want to meet us at Taco Bell to grab something to eat?"

"Of course! Me & Gray will be there in about 15 minutes." He tells me, then hangs up.

I smile at Meredith & drag her upstairs to my room.

"Oh my- your room!!" She mentions, staring at my room in awe.

"We can talk about my room later, let's get ready!" I laugh.

I put on some light makeup & Meredith does the same. I throw my hair up into a ponytail, & Mere leaves hers down.

"You look hot." I tell Meredith, knowing she's nervous about meeting the twins in person.

She's wearing a cute light pink shirt, paired with some black shorts, along with her black high top converse. I'm wearing a navy blue flowy shirt, with my light washed shorts & my high top navy blue converse.

Her cheeks turn red as she says, "Oh hush. I hope they like me."

"Atleast  you won't be talking to them for the first time ever, right?"

"I guess so."

We make our way outside, deciding to walk because it was a beautiful day. We didn't talk much on the way there, but I knew she was just nervous.

We reach Taco Bell & I meet eye contact with Ethan. I blush as he makes his way over to us. Grayson notices he's walking away, so he follows him.

"Mere!" Grayson yells, running to hug her. Gray & Mere are very very close, so this is a big deal for them.

They sink in each others arms, soaking up every bit of it.

"Hey, gorgeous." Ethan hugs me.

"Hey, E." I say.

"Can we eat? I'm starving?" Ethan says, still smiling at me.

Gray & Mere look up & let go of each other, looking embarrassed.

Meredith blushes hard & casually walks over to the register.

"Eh! I got this." Grayson runs & starts ordering with Meredith, as he takes out his credit card.

I catch Meredith staring at him as he orders his food, having to be snapped back into reality when it's her turn to order hers.

"I got mine." I tell E, knowing he'll try to do the same thing.

"Nuh uh. I got it." He smiles at me. I couldn't refuse his adorable smile, also, free food? Yes please.

Ethan & I order our food then wait next to Mere & Gray to get our food.

Finally, someone lays all of our food on the counter so we grab it & go find a seat.

"I'm so glad you're here." Grayson tells Meredith, ruining the moment by stuffing a burrito in his mouth. We laugh & Gray just shrugs it off.

"Me too." Mere says, blushing once again.

We all eat quietly, just enjoying each others presence. I smile to myself as I dig into my burrito.

Life is great.

I have all three of my best friends in the same place now.

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