Chapter two

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Frisks p.o.v

The past few weeks were like the same, we woke, Gaster would talk to us, we would get food from the taller skeleton, and sans would take our plates when we where done, and then we read or played video games, it was repetitive, till today, Gaster and the taller skeleton had to go food shopping, and sans was left to watch us, and others, if there is, sans came in with our food and watched us "so kiddos how's the food, paps a good cook, aye" he grinned and we nodded slightly, so tall skeleton is paps I thought calmly Chara huffed to the work aye it annoyed them I sighed lightly jumping on to the Bed and frowned "I'm borrrrred" I whined to Chara just for sans or Chara to do some Chara just snickered and pulled themselves up to the bed forgetting they were so tall, I looked at Chara and huffed before leaving forward and started to tickle Chara "don't ignore me" I huffed and continued to tickle Chara as they had a fit of laughter trying to calm down it dramatically failed as Chara tried to push me off to tickle back it failed yet again as sans let out a cough to get our attention it worked, for me as Chara was gasping for air after awhile sans handed us sandwiches for us to eat I snickered at I looked at Chara sans watched us eat the left and came back with water, sans looked at Chara uneasily 'does he remember' I thought grabbing the water and tossed one at Chara, soon night came and we were left to rest, for a hopefully peaceful night.

Chara's p.o.v

Sans looked at me so uneasy and frisk tossed me water 'does he know something' I thought, the day was normal nothing really happening, and night soon came, I hopefully will have a good night I walked up to frisk tucking them in "nighty night" I smiled they where already asleep I chuckled and looked at her before walking to my bed drinking the rest of my water, before getting under the covers and falling asleep.


I possessed frisk they screamed for help, dust covered my hands, sans was in front of me "you won't get away with this" his eye glowed "Chara" sans theme played loudly "frisk" he frowned "I'm sorry" frisks sobs were heard in the back of my mind, I couldn't control what I was doing, I attacked sans, fast not pausing we didn't stop, frisk pleaded for me to stop, after awhile sans died then we were at the save screen, frisk glared at me "why" I started to talk "why, are you looking at me like that" tears formed in my eyes "like I'm the murder, when it was you" frisk looked down guilty "you picked up the knife, killed them all" I looked at them "because they were my friends to!" I fell to my knees crying "they were my friends first!" I shouted.

-end of the dream-

I shot up with a scream tears in my eyes I was sweating frisk looked at me and ran to me and hugged me, I hugged back crying into their shoulder "what's wrong" they spoke softly "I had a nightmare" I admitted "wanna talk about it" they moved away looked at me "I forgot" I lied looking away "oh" they replied " remember If something is ever bothering you" frisk started "I'm here" they smiled, I looked at the clock, glad they finally put one in here "3:33am" I mumbled and laid down "I'm going back to bed" frisk nodded "same" they laughed slightly frisk was fast asleep, I soon feel asleep again, shaking from the nightmare, Bits of the past reviewed in my mind from the few weeks we where in here, but none as big as that happened, was it a warning who knows, but what was it was the only think in my mind while I fell asleep.

Sans p.o.v (surprise >:D)

I heard a muffled scream, from Chara I didn't think much because they probably almost fell out a of bed, or something, it's not unusual for me to be up, because that's how it always was, ever since the rest, so nothing was wrong with it, I stay up all night have a few hours of sleep and repeat, I checked the cameras and Chara and frisk were both sleeping again, Chara was shaking slightly, is she remembering something, something from a few rests ago, we probably will never know I looked at the clock "4:00am" I mumbled reading the clock, I headed to my room, my shift is finally over, I opened my door to my room and laid down, thoughts trailed my mind and I soon fell asleep, for another dreamless night.

Chaper two done!
I mean
Chapter two done *^*

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