Halloween Special

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Look what I'm finally starting to right, also thanks for over 1K reads!

{Writing starts October 23}
Noticeable Features: Frisk has blue eyes, Charas hair is more of a tinted red shade then brown, chara is 17, frisk is 15, Chara and Frisk are both anime, game, musical, and Jpop/Kpop/Cpop fans
No ones p.o.v

Frisk and Chara walked to the mall holding hands, Frisk hindering behind slightly, just still managing to keep in speed with Chara, humming gently to 'that would be enough' Chara smiles at Frisk obviously enjoying their singing, well humming, they got to the mall and headed inside seeing both people and monsters alike, Frisk and Chara headed to the first costume shops they seen.

"Chara we should be a couple cosplay!" Frisk grinned as their blue eye shined, frisks hand petting Chara's red tinted hair.

Chara gave a nod in acknowledgment "That sounds nice." They smiled, Frisk let out a small 'mmhm.'

They looked around the shop, they recently became addicted to the anime Yuri On Ice and Hamilton.

"We should do a couples cosplay for Maria and Eliza." Frisk mumbled wanting to see Chara in a Maria Reynolds dress.

"Maybe." Chara spoke softly looking around, both guilty for loving the ship of the two Hamilton females.

"I'll be able to curl your hair, and I can use the black Eliza wig I had gotten awhile ago." Frisk smiled happily at wanting to play with Chara's hair.

They continued to look through stores "Maybe a Yuri On Ice cosplay would look nice on us" Frisk mumbled softly "Maybe." Chara spoke softly, as they continued to look, then entered a store called 'A and M' (not a real store as far as I know .-.) as soon as they walked in it was playing 'Blow Us All Away' , so it's an Anime and Musial store, from the merchandise from both anime's and musicals. (A and M see what I did there ;3)

(So uh I'm writing on my iPad the screens now cracked so hopefully I don't get cute, again .-. But ya know that doesn't stop me from writing the cut wasn't big it was small  .-. And my ipad isn't broken I'm still using it -10/26)

They looked around as they spotted the two dresses for Maria Reynolds and Eliza Schuyler, alone with a few other musical and anime cosplays, the two dresses were being put on but a girl with deep violet hair that had black tips, she was pale that you can see the dark bags under her eyes, she has brown eyes and was kinda chubby but tall, she was wearing a purple bunny hood with shorts and running shoes.

The two teens walked towards the girl "Uhm hey!" Frisk called out to her nervously.

The girl jumped slightly "Hey! Welcome to A and M how may I help you to day!" She forced a happy voice.

"We were wondering if we can by those two dresses." Chara smiled at the girl was quickly calmed down as the song changed to 'More Than Survive'.

"Sure go wait by the register and I'll get the dresses there in a moment!" The girl called out in her overly forced happy tone.

Frisk and Chara headed to the register, the girl in the bunny sweater following close behind with the dresses and shoes for then too.

"Would that be all?" The girl calmly smiled.

Chara nodded taking out their wallet as the girl rang them up "That would be fifty dollars and seventy five cents." Chara gave her the money and she handed Chara and frisk the two bags with the outfits and shoes inside.

"Have a good day, I hope you enjoyed your shopping at A and M!" She called out as they felt the shop.

Chara and Frisk went and got lunch before heading home with their stuff, they put it way in their room of their apartment, they lived happily together, they enjoy the privacy they got now that they lived alone, Halloween was only a few days way, Charas Birthday would be a few days after and Chara would legally be an adult and living alone wouldn't be an illegal thing.

(I'm Canadian so technically 18 is legal age to live alone, 19 in other parts of Canada I believe, but since I live in Manitoba it's 18 :3)


It was Halloween now and they were getting ready.

"Frissssssk, why the hell does my hair have to be curled." The child like teen whined in disapproval to having to sit so long, a laugh left Frisk mouth as she continues to curl her hair, just finishing, before putting her wig on with a grin.

"There were done!" Frisk cheered and they got there shoes on, they planed to head out for a Halloween party at toriel's.

So they head off.

~Smoller tem skip~

They had got to the party and had great time so far then the soft melody of the song 'Ever Yours, Alexander' came on, the lights turned dim.

-Fluff Incoming-

Chara looked at Frisk with a smile Chara took in a breath of air as they began to talk.

"My Dear, Frisk, when I first saw you it was in elementary, I had been dealing with a bullying problem." They paused.

"I had alway thought you had disliked me because I know you saw the cruel actions done by those people, but you were so hesitant to try help me." Chara wiped the tears that formed.

"In middle school you had first spoke to me, we sat by each other, I had thought you spoke out of boredom, we had grown closer from there, we started going out at the end of our middle we started a relationship and shared our first kiss." A grin appeared on their face.

"We had joked so much about having an wedding anniversary on Halloween, and Frisk, would you make me the happiest person alive and" Chara got on their knee and pulled out a ring "Merry Me?"

Frisk broke into tears and nodded as chara put the ring on their finger as they hugged Chara pulling Frisk into a kiss.

Cheesy I know but uhm yeee

Song credits:

That would be enough- Hamilton
Blow us all way- Hamilton
More than survive- Be More Chill
Ever yours, Alexander- Hamilton [Off Broadway]

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