Chapter 7 "shared nightmares?"

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No ones p.o.v

"You had a shared dream?" Gaster said looking at frisk and Chara "yeah" Chara mumbled glancing away from Gaster, who pulled out a note pad "what was it about" Chara who was still looking away started to speak "it was like a fantasy, something from a fairytale" frisk nodded recalling who it was like but frisk looked at Gaster "then a voice said if we have shared dreams we shouldn't follow anyone we don't know, in this Timeline" frisk mumbled in a serious tone Gaster continued to take notes before walking away Chara looked at frisk and sighed slightly "at least he's gone.." Frisk smiled as chara nodded "yea at least he is" chara giggled slightly before leaning on frisks shoulder "I'm tired frisk" chara mumbled before laughing slightly "well you can't sleep" frisk huffed looking away childishly with a laugh "fine" chara mumbled sitting up with a sigh "do you ever wonder what outside is like" chara looked at frisk as they smiles with a laugh "yeah I always wonder that" frisks brown eyes shined with curiosity as they smiled brightly "I wanna see the outside some day" frisk laughed "it's a stupid re-" frisk was cut off. "It's not stupid" Chara smiled, despite Chara being cruel they have a heart you just have to brake though their tough shell and you'll find it.

The day went about as normal nothing weird or abnormal, they got food from papyrus, sans got the plates and Gaster spoke with them for a bit, and the they had spare time till night, everyday, besides the rare days where their tested on all day, were the same, nothing out of the ordinary, but they didn't know Tonight would change that

~The shared Nightmare~

No Ones p.o.v

"Chara!" Frisk called out, wanted it to be a shared dream "frisk!" Chara ran to frisk with a smile frisk gasped "c-chara.." They mumbled "your face is covered in dust" chara looked like they had just died and broke into laughter "t-that means I killed someone!" Chara sounded tears streaming down their face, fear on it, they were scared but could only laugh they could cry or speak just demonic laughter they scared frisk but they didn't run chara got up and tears stained their face it was silent chara frowned "frisk.." They paused "why am I so scared" they walked to frisk "I don't want to have dreams like this" tears fell from chara's eyes as they hugged frisk "I want to see the surface" chara mumbled as frisk smiled "some day" frisk paused "I promise" they finished but as If on cue I flash back came.

Chara laid in the hospital bed sick they coughed looking pale frisk bust into the room "chara" they broke into tears "please don't die" they sobbed not wanting to lose there friend "please" frisks brown eyes shined with tears as they cried "please" they voices was quite "please" they cried "you promised" they fell on there knees as chara spoke "I-I'm sorry frisk" tears dripped down chara's face "please don't cry" then it became blurry.


That's where it ended and they where back in the dark area chara how had blood and dust on them as megalovian played in the background, they knew what it was because sans always plays it faintly when he's around, but the blood? They questioned what happened but at the same time they didn't chara didn't want to know they didn't they were scared it terrified chara to think what could have happened but then a flash of white happened and it showed everyone getting killed then chara walked of to frisk, frisk begged for mercy but like lots of things chara killed frisk with no m e r c y at all, after that chara was on the floor crying they were terrified they didn't know what to do they felt like a monster they cried out they didn't want that, they only wanted it to end with no one getting hurt, frisk was no where in sight chara laid there silently crying out for help they laid there silent only their breath could be heard nothing was there just a black empty void.

No ones p.o.v

Frisk and chara both woke up they were terrified at what happened frisk walked up to chara and hugged them chara cried on to frisk and hugged back they they stayed like that for away till they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Not knowing what will happen when they wake up fills them with DETERMINATION.

Haha finally finished chapter 7

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