Chapter 13:Enrolment, Cake

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No ones p.o.v

Chara and frisk slept the morning away, not having to worry around ten chara awoke to make breakfast, then a surprise for the school, chara sat up and went to get changed putting on shorts, and a button up shirt that had short sleeves and grabbed a sweater that had two yellow strips on the front and back area and on the sleeves, and headed down to make food, after getting to the kitchen they got stuff to make pancakes, and started to cook, first chara made the batter for pancakes, after they the was done they started to cook, they heard a small shuffle down the hall and yawn following the shuffles signifying that frisk woke chara turned her head towards the hallway seeing frisk in a blue and purple sweater with two strips and purple at the end on the sweater sleeves, that looked slightly baggy on them, they also had shorts on and ankle socks "morning" they spoke gently yawning then letting out a small cat like purr, chara blushed at the cute noise "morning" chara spoke as they made pancakes, putting them on a plate, after there was about five pancakes on each then chara drizzled then in syrup and put a few berries on them, they looked delicious, chara set them on the table two glasses of chocolate milk beside each plate, a satisfied smile rested on chara's face "Breakfast is done!" They said, well more of yelled proudly.

Frisk p.o.v
I sat down pull off my warm sweater showing a blue shirt with purple strips an 8-bit heart and neatly printed words that say determined, chara already had their sweater removed and was a short sleeve black button up and started to eat the syrup and melted chocolate covered fluffy pancakes with berries, I tried some, mine not having chocolate and only having strawberries as a topping, they were delicious, I let out a 'mmm' in response of trying them, chara smiled brightly proud of their work "I want to make a cake for enrolment." Chara spoke nervously "Wanna help?" They asked I nodded eagerly wanting to help I smiled brightly "Okay you can help." They smiled speaking softly, "yay!" I shouted and continued to eat happily.

After we were done eating chara washed the plates we ate with then we started on cake, while I cut fruit for the cake and a fruit salad for lunch Chara had just put the cake in the oven by lunch and started to make frosting while I was finishing the salad and juice for our drinks, I placed them down with the drinks and we started eating, I glanced at the time '1:30pm' I let out a hum in response to the time and looked at chara they had already finished eating and continued the frosting, I soon finished after and started to make more little decorations for the cake, the timer dinged indicating the cake was finished and chara took it out.

Chara p.o.v

I set the cake on the table and let cool as I dyed the frosting with a bright mint colour and started to frost the cake after that, frisk grabbed the stuff we were going to use to decorate we added small harass make out of strawberries, adding blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. The room was filled with the sent of cake and berries, the sent of pancakes no longer drifting in the air I sent the cake in the fridge to cool it, as I looked at the time '2:00pm' we should head to the school around three ten, I looked at frisk giving them a kiss they giggled blushing.

-smol tem skip!-

It was almost time to start heading off as we got ready grabbing the cake, we headed to the school, as we walked people let out small aw's as our hands intertwined together, frisk was smaller them me so she had to slightly look up, I found it adorable, we soon got to the school at three thirty, people were leaving, either walking to getting a ride on a bus, we walked into the school and we're greeted but a girl with brown hair that was just above her elbows, she had bright blue eyes, and wore a dark blue button up a whit tie and black shorts "You must me frisk and chara, right?" She asked with a smile I nodded "Yup!' Frisk said happily "Hello I'm Ellie Moon." She, Ellie, smiled "Now follow me and I'll take you to a class room for an enrolment test." She started to walk off as me and frisk followed, we got to a class room with two papers on two separate desks we both sat in one and worked in papers with the cake on the desk beside mine.

-smol tem skip x2-

After the test, which we pretty much pasted, we didn't need to attend school but people who think we're weird if we didn't, I pasted Ellie the cake we said our byes and we felt to home, I didn't feel like cooking so we just ordered food and felt, we ate at home and talked for a bit nothing seemed off, yet.

Done chapter 13 ^-^

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