Chapter 14:Can I have this dance

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~play music when told~
Chara's p.o.v

I awoke to the sound of things shuffling and hitting together, and a tired, but frustrated sigh opened my eyes to see frisk looking around the room for something, I watched till they noticed I was awake "Gah! You're up did I wake you?" They asked panicky, with a small frown "Nope." I smiled "What are you looking for though?" I asked my head tilting slightly "M-My necklace." I noticed they didn't have their half hearted necklace "What if I left it at the mountain." they looked worried "Well look here first and if we can't find it we will head to the mountain, but before if we have to head to the mountain I want to take you somewhere special." I smiled softly as they nodded.

For the rest of the day we looking in every place possible, even cleaning, I sighed as we took a brake to eat lunch "It might not be here." I said sadly their face looked like they saw their cat died "I'm sorry." I spoke softly "I-It's fine, but you said you wanted to take me somewhere." they asked softly I nodded and looked at them "Yeah I even bought an outfit for each of us." I smiled they seemed happy, we quickly finished eating and I took frisk to get dressed I headed to the closest and pulled out a short sleeve white dress with black at the end of the sleeves a big purple bow in the back around the waist and one in the front on the collar area in the middle and had a blue under shirt with a turtle neck, they grabbed the dress and went to try it on while I had a black under shirt and shorts, I had a pair of black dress up shoes and frisk had shorts underneath their dress and a pair of white flats.

Soon frisk came out in shoes and all, they looked stunning I blushed and smiled "You look cute." they blushed with a smile "Thanks." they spoke softly "You look nice too." they smiled "You ready to go now?" I asked as they nodded and we headed off, you know how I head we are like super humans, well we already know how to dance, and I'm going to take frisk dancing I hummed looking for the place "Frisky can you closes your eyes?" I asked they nodded and closed their eyes and we continued to walk until we got to the place, a dance area, we walked in I looked at the lady in the desk and they nodded at me I headed to room four.

~Start music~

"You can open your eyes now." I smiled as they opened their eyes I stood in front of them "May I have this dance?" I asked as they grabbed my hand, I opened the door as the music started cherry blossom pelts danced around in the air as I gently grabbed their hand and danced gracefully with them.

With a bold and suddenly calling western revolution's starting,

The soft music the light was dim, the only focus was us, frisks eyes were opened their brown eyes sparkled with a smile across their face, the song fit perfectly, as we danced in sink not giving a care in the world, cherry blossom pelts still dancing in the air with small bits of bright pink confetti.

It's the flag of our sun rising warning evil spirits like an ICBM,

I smiled gently as we twirled bright pink confetti and cherry blossom pelts falling in their hair as we continued to dance, this was like a fairytale, like nothing was wrong, like everything was alright, like we were normal, but even if we weren't, this was amazing, this was perfect, like everything wasn't in hell right now.

On the train tracks, running along the lines let's move forward, don't look behind,

I gave frisk a gently kiss as we continued to dance, this might be the best thing we do if we go to the mountain, it bit be the last thing we do before we getting experimented on, I want to make the best of it, I smiled frisk looked so beautiful and innocent, their eyes sparkling.

Thousands of cherry blossoms dwindling in the light,

I smiled as frisk looked at me lovingly, still not breaking the dance we were in the small pink confetti's and cherry blossom pelts now mixed with silver, gold, purple, and blue confetti's, when I say it's like a dream I truly mean it, like nothing is going to happen, I feel safe, I feel protected.

This bouquet that surrounds is iron poison, see,

I gently hummed the tune spinning frisk once more, the confetti sparked in the dim light, like a fairytale, I wish this could happen every day, frisk lost their footing but quickly recovered, I smiled with a small laugh, this felt amazing.

~small time skip, also let the music sink into your hearts the song is senbonzakura, the cover is from Lizz robinette~

The song soon ended "Tomorrow, we will go to the mountains." I spoke as they nodded, and headed home, once at home we ate dinner and went to bed.

Chapter 14 done!

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