Chapter 8 "tests, insomia and sleep talking"

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Chara's p.o.v
I woke up early like usual and seen frisk hugging me a light blush dusted my checks as I checked the time 7:40am it's read I gently woke frisk up as they opened their eyes slowly "hmm? C-chara?" Frisk looked at my they blushed after they realized the position we were in "eh?" They got off me but not moving to their bed we sat there in silence right until Gaster showed up we were still fairly tired while we were answering about what happened last just slipped out and Gaster was shocked and terrified "that shouldn't happen" he sighed in confusion now frisk looked panicked "we are going to have to do testing" that made my heart stop almost hearing those words scared me, I don't want to be put threw pain, I'm scared was the only thing that ran threw my head I felt a harsh grip to my arm as Gaster grabbed it and pulled me to the all to familiar room now had a light coat of blood, the fear shocked my entire body, as I was told to sit in the chair with my eyes closed, with out question I did so,  pain rushed through my body as I cried out as memories I wanted to forget of last nights nightmare flashed in my head, but the worst feeling was knowing to was affecting frisk, I cried out louder my soul pounded my head ached then it stopped it was quite I didn't scream in pain.

It felt like the world stopped, am I dead?

I opened my eyes I wasn't harmed I wasn't dead nothing hurt like I spaced out when that happened but I felt so real Gaster was writing things in that damn notepad of his and told me to follow him back to the room, fucking asshole, I followed oh course we made it back to the main room and u sat on the bed Gaster told frisk to follow him and they did as they most likely went to that room, after a few minutes I thought nothing was going to happen but I started to feel slight jerks on my soul and when ever I would close my eyes awful pain would corrupt my body, not as bad as what I felt but it hurt, frisk soul was fragile but  that caused Gaster to be gentle, he didn't want to kill us.

After time frisk returned to the room looking tired, but papyrus's came we food, we ate silently, after that we went on with our day as normal I continuously tried to forget about last night, but soon night fall came and I put frisk to bed with a kiss on their head, as I tried to fall asleep after I couldn't I sat up and looked around before grabbing a book 'insomniac' it was a fantasy novel, after awhile I realized I couldn't sleep I just continued to read, after a few hour I heard frisk start speaking it was more of mumble but I heard it not clearly but I could just barely make out the faint words 'I-I' they mumbled 'l-lov-' I could just barely make that out as love 'y-y-you' is the last word but then a faint word was heard 'c-c-cha" cha was all I heard from that statement 'I-I l-love c-c-char' I love char was what I was making out 'c-c-chara' is what they mumbled I blushed they love me I looked at the time '2:54, was read on the clock I still wasn't tired but some how I knew my body needed sleep, I just couldn't sleep, I didn't freak out though I wasn't nervous or anything I just sat on my bed and listen to frisks mumbles about love, and read 'insomniac' yeah that sounds boring but I couldn't sleep and it was better then laying there doing nothing, then I mumbled as I read a part in my book, it stuck in my mind

"if you want to die ten years early, smoke daily"
"if you want to die thirty years early, drink daily"
"but if you"
"love someone who doesn't love you back, you'll die daily"

That segment of words made my feel so much, for just simple words I keep hearing frisk mumble but I wasn't going to ask them about it, I just listened as I read I was relaxed and frisk looked happy nothing could go wrong, nothing at all.

Chapter 8 done :3

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