Chapter 16 The living hell gets even worse

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Chara's p.o.v
My head hurts it's pounding, I had a bad headache as my eyes slowly opened I sat up placing a hand on my forehead "ow.." I mumbled looking around the room was unfamiliar it was plain I saw Frisk on a bed, they were still sleeping I sighed softly the necklace hung around their neck I gently smiled they looked so peaceful, the room had no windows and only had a bookshelf with a few books along with a table, the room was boring, I huffed out of annoyance frisk let out a small hum and stirred in their sleep a bit.

I gave a small smile, frisk looked to fucking cute for their own good, their eyes slowly opened as they jumped up grabbing at their head "owwie" they muttered I gave a soft giggle as they smiled "Chara?! Where are we!?" They asked confused I had an idea "most likely gasters." I sighed out they looked worried, nervous and sad, I frowned I stood up stumbling slightly and sat beside frisk hugging them, they sighed and looked at me smiling and kissed me I blushed and kissed back, they looked around the room "Looks boring." They spoke I let out a hum in agreement, as we sighed.

~Few Weeks Later~ (I feel bad for having to hurt my baby's ;~;)
(Still chara's p.o.v)
My body ached we haven't gotten a day to ourselves, it was tests, experiments, and other horrific shit, I recently just left a testing room and I was wait for frisk to return my body giving of a soft, well not soft, but an electric zap, it sucks, I really would rather end my life then deal with this I laid in my bed with a sigh, I closed my eyes letting the pain engulf me, then it stopped signifying frisk was finished and they would return soon.

I felt something lay on me and a small giggle, frisk, I giggled opening my eyes and kissed then quickly glancing away, blushing heavily, frisk smiled laying on me.

It was the end of the day so we were able to sleep, my eyes slowly closed faster seeing frisk fall asleep, and I soon fell asleep in my dreamless sleep.

Frisk p.o.v
-Testing Room(Earlier That Day)-

I was practically dragged to the room quietly whimpering, as I was thrown into a chair looking around, the room wreak of blood, blood was on the wall, they were several sharp weapons and other odd lab tools, I was shaking as I felt something enter my arm like a knife, then I seen it was a needle I felt my body have a zapping feeling, I was whimpering trying not to cry, I know it's not what chara feels but it still hurt, the room was dim only having that soft glow from the zap I was tugged up and pushed Into a different chair to eat, I slowly ate and when I was finished I was takin back to the room where I saw chara I smiled and laid on them with a small giggle.

Chara opened their eyes and kisses my cheek I blushed laying down and snuggled into chara's chest slowly falling asleep.

Chara's p.o.v
-Testing Room-

I was dragged into that familiar room fight back to try stand up, but failing, I huffed in annoyance, seeing the clean room, obviously going to be decorated with my blood after this, I smirked as I was thrown into a chair, the same hard familiar chair, my smirk not leaving my face as they worked on me.

Needles, taking blood and putting odd things into my arm they blood filled needles were placed on the table beside me Gaster went to go get something as I took my arm swing it towards the needles as they splattered my blood on the wall Gaster hurried back and slapped me, I chuckled as I was taken back to the room with no meal again, and frisk was dragged away, I sighed now feeling loneliness.

Done chapter 16 ye! This book is going to be finished in 3 chapters plus epilogue, well that's my goal I don't know if that's going to happen.

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