Chapter 5 "matching necklace"

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Chara's p.o.v
I groaned out of being annoying, due to being woken up two hours early, I looked at Gaster Purely looking confused "what do You want" I spatted already being annoyed Gaster sighed "must you always be difficult, I have questions to ask and a gift" frisk looked at Gaster still tried "questions and gifts?" They huffed and muttered "sounds stupid.." I looked at Gaster "question? What kind of questions...?" I questioned, with a sigh "yea but let's start with the question" he looked at as "chara your going first" he turned as I nodded yes and followed him to the same testing room.

It looked clearer then yesterday, I sighed and sat down in the chair, "so let's start with the questions" Gaster looked at me as I sighed once more and nodded yes "so what were you talking about last night" Gaster said as my whole body tensed up "I don't know what that fuck your talking about" I cussed in a slightly confident tone "calm down chara, and don't play stupid with me." Gaster paused "I know you remember thinks from a few time lines ago" Gaster looked at me as he finished his sentence "if this goes well enough I won't have to question frisk" I sighed in defeat "well it's about the dreams we had, we started to remember things, that we never did in this 'timeline' we didn't really know what they are" I looked up at Gaster to see him in happy, I guess that's what you can call it "good frisk won't need to be questioned but I'll give you the gift once we get to frisk I need to address you about the gifts" me and Gaster walked back to the room and frisks calm expression showed again and they hugged me tightly "are you ok Chara?" They looked at me and sighed "yea I'm fine frisk" I smiled and sat on my bed patting the spot right beside me and frisk sat down, I looked at Gaster waiting for him to explain Gaster cleared his throat and dropped one necklace on each of our laps they were broken hearts I had the left side a frisk had the right side "so as of yesterday I found out you have a shared soul, and with this necklace it allows you to read each other's minds, but Chara as a stronger sense and if theses necklaces are removed or attempted to be removed you'll be" Gaster paused which made fear fly through them "shocked" Gaster finished as I tried to get up and yell about this but was shocked and I sat down with frisks cry of pain "you might also share dreams from time to time" Gaster left the room and me and frisk put on the necklaces I sighed to the now slight pull on my neck from the necklace and looked around "what now?" I said looking at frisk "we test the mind reading thing" frisk suggested "sure" I rolled my eyes and grabbed a book falling into deep thought 'will it truly work, or is Gaster lying' I thought reading my book 'is h-he l-lying?' I heard a faint voice it was hard to understand but it was frisks 'frisk!' I smiled having this ability was a good thing, but I had a bad headache and felt extremely tired 'this really uses some energy' I sighed and heard frisk faint 'mmhm' as I heard their soft sigh across the room "imma have a nap before papyrus comes with food" frisk smiled as I nodded looking at frisk before reading my book once more 'the prince and his best friend chapter 16' I thought with a smile 'I believes this book has twenty chapter' I thought happily reading the book, the feeling of tiredness still wavered over me, as I grabbed the alarm "I still have an hour and a half to sleep" I mumbled and walked back to my bed instantly falling asleep 'Gaster will come around eight' I thought in the state of being half asleep.

No ones p.o.v

Frisk woke up from the bed sweating and scared, having nothing from their dream to remember they where scared they looked around trying to find out what happened while frisk was asleep and spotted a sleeping Chara as Frisk smiled slightly and got up looking at the time about half hour "at about eight he should come" they smiled and fixed their bed and looked at Chara before walking to them "Chara looks so peaceful" frisk murmured quietly with a smile "I guess we didn't share dreams this time" They sighed and kneeled beside chara's bed and looked at them before shaking them lightly "Chara wake up" frisk shook Chara lightly

Chapter 5 done

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