Chapter one

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Frisk opened their eyes and looked around they seen Chara still sleeping confused the only thing they remembered was resetting, nothing else but frisk's head hurt, badly. Chara started to awake they looked terrified, frisk watched them trying to get rid of the headache that pounded in their brain, they were on some sort of hospital, "mhmmm" Chara let out some weird noise to clear their throat, frisk looked around the only thing that illuminated the room was chara's red eyes and their souls, so it only was illuminated in red frisk tried to stand only to fall down and land with a thump, Chara who was panicking tried to get up but fell back onto the bed, panic came to both as they were scared and in pain.

Frisk soon was able to stand and try find a light to turn it on, not finding anything frisk soul disappeared to in her body, Chara got up almost falling but catching themselves and walked to frisk, they looked around confused and sighed frisk coughed trying to clear their throat.

In there souls

"What the hell!" Chara yelled "I-I don't know!" I shouted back "I-I don't know what happened" frisk was at tears " last thing I remember is resetting because you were dying!" Frisk was at tears, shocked and scared "frisk you messed up the time line so much!" Chara cried "I'm sorry" they where both crying there souls beat at the same time "you promised" they said in unison.

Not knowing what happened frisk and chara's mind and ability to communicate like this would be erased

Out of souls

They both stared at each quite, not making a noise tears still stained their face as they were quite, there souls still beating fast illuminating the room around the they were both terrified and shocked as they heard foot steeps head to the door then it opened and reviled Gaster frisk backed away so did Chara they where scared, he wore a lab coat and glasses "so your awake" he spoke we only nodded "scared hmm?" He looked at us Chara was alway more dominant "no" they hissed at him "then why do you shake" he smirked Chara was shaking slightly "because it's not everyday someone wakes up in a weird lab" Chara snapped.

He only laughed Chara glared frisk frowned as we watched him "I'm surprised you can talk" he looked at Chara then at frisk "can you talk" he said "maybe" frisk spoke softly not unusual for them though.

Gaster only laughed again Chara frustratingly sighed, almost shoving Gaster but frisk held them back so they couldn't, frisk was terrified they soul beat fast like it would burst from their chest any minute, it became for aggressively there breaths fasted as they held Chara back, "I'm sorry" frisk spoke softly "Chara just doesn't know what to do" they still had softness with a touch of sorrow "so that's what you call them" Gaster began "Chara Odd name" he looked At them "and chara what do you call experiment 1067" he looked at frisk "frisk!" Chara smiled at the name "well the frisk and Chara will be your names"Gaster chuckled.

Frisk and Chara looked at him his chuckle was dark like out thunder sounded like, it was terrifying, Frisk frowned as my soul stopped as he left the room, and smirked they where terrified from that chuckle they didn't know what to do all of a sudden the lights came on looking around they now looked around the room curious the room was a ok size it had two beds a table, a tv with a game console like a mini home, but with no fridge so the door opened again, there it should a tall skeleton who handed them food before walking out he wore the same lab coats as Gaster 'he looks familiar" frisk and Chara thought.

They looked at the spaghetti in front of them before frisk grabbed the fork and started to eat it so did Chara (papy won't be a bad cook otay!) they enjoyed it, the room was cold the spaghetti was the only warm thing besides the bed, 'weird why are they so nice' Chara thought Confused but didn't question it.

Chara shrugged it off not wanting to ask because frisk would just say don't worry and so they didn't, it's odd what a simple press of a button can do, "heh" frisk mumbled and smiled "what" Chara looked at her "nothing just thinking, they can be so nice" frisk smiled "yea, heh weird" Chara smiled, soon they were done there food and they put them aside.

Few minutes all they were doing was playing video games, for a few hours it was there first day what did they really expect, it was good so far, after a while the door opened, it showed a short skeleton he also looked familiar go them, but where he grabbed the plates in a lazy motion leaving the door open slightly "Sans! You left the door open! Dr. Gaster would be mad if he found out!" Someone yelled 'sans' came back and closed the door "heh sorry paps" 'sans' close the door as we listened for a bit "so sans and paps" frisk started "sans is the second on but we don't know who paps is" Chara finished and shrugged.

Chapter one

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