Chapter 11- new home

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(Eye head canons for dis book :3)
Frisk p.o.v

We soon woke up to the calming glow are the sun rise as I remember what happened yesterday "mmngh" I yawned clearing my throat as I felt chara's grip loosen "morning love" I heard chara mumble and sit up still holding me I blushed lightly "morning, should we bathe then find somewhere to make money and stay" I asked and looked at chara they nodded with a smile I looks towards the lake not the best place to bathe but it's what we I have.

-time skip because author sucks at bath scenes-

Me and chara where dressed and we headed to find the town, it's odd how we were able to escape I thought it would be impossible we walked down the hill as we made it to the town the cold air blew my hair slightly, we won't be able to attend work considering me and chara are to young we are around the age of fifteen, but we have higher intelligence instead of that age, we made it to the town as my brown eyes closed, I dislike people seeing my eyes yet I let chara see them so easily we looked around the door we had no money and no place to live, I sighed slightly as we walked around we were new, we knew no one and no one knew us, we had no where to go or stay.

We sat on a bench and let the cold wind hit our body's as I held chara's hand with a smile we just stay there in the morning air of the ghost like town, it looked dead as we sat there in the soft glow of the morning sun light a smiles on my face this is beautiful no tests no worries.

At the time we thought nothing could go wrong.
(Hints sneak peaks??)

The town slowly filled with people walking around as we sat up, young people it's around the time kids and children head to school, it seems misfitted with us hear, a young girl at the age of 16 tripped in front of us "epp!" She yell I ran to her and helped her up "shouldn't you two be at school" she huffed dusting down her clothes "we're new!" I blurted out looking at chara nervously the girl pulled out a bag and handed it to them "here then, hope to see you at school" she ran off once more chara looked in the bag "whoa" was all they said with a smile "let's buy a house" chara grabbed my hand.

Everything was slowly going to turn around ~Chara

We walked to a place to find a house and looked around different for sale homes till we got to one at the end of the town it was a one floor two bedroom one bathroom all furnished home with an office space it was a good size and cheap I pulled a phone we bought and dialled in the number to buy and the owner came talked and we bought the house, now clothes (frisk prefers more feminine as chara prefers boyish clothes :3) but first a nap we laid down, and enrolled to a school here, and laid down for a bit, I was tired we walked around so much and I huggled (hug cuddled) chara and kisses them gently as I fell asleep for a nap.

~two hour time skip~

Chara's p.o.v

I woke up at around 10:00am in the new home I smiled with frisk cuddled in my arms I laid them door and kissed their forehead gently with a soft smile I hummed lightly holding them in my embrace, as they sleep their soft snores so calming a loving smile on my face as I laid there with frisk in my arms, they darker skin somehow sparkled their chest going up then down as they breathed, so calming, so beautiful, so relaxed I felt my eyes closed but I wasn't dreaming I just laid there relaxed that nap with frisk in my embrace keep the nightmares away, being completely relaxed my breathes slowly then I spaced out.

My breathes in harmony with the beating of the monitor  beep, breathe, beep, breathe the monitor slowed along with my breathe, I was dying, I felt it the slow feeling of death was consuming me slowly frisk faint voice was heard tears fell from my face as I heard this line so clearly "why did you break your promise, don't leave me" I cried I didn't want to leave frisk "I love you" was all I replied with as my breathing stopped and the monitor beeping let out a long beep.

My eyes opened as I looked around breathing fast it was 10:30 and frisk was just Waking up "morning" they giggled "ready to go shopping" they smiled I nodded.

Done chapter 11 finally :3

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