~Chapter 5~

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I woke up to an unfamiliar surrounding. I sat up as I looked around to scan the area. My luggage was at a corner of the room along with Johnny's. This must be their dorm. When I turned around, I saw a sleeping Johnny hugging a pillow with his mouth open, drool coming out of it. I silently laughed at how silly he looked and reached for my phone to take a picture. I could use that to tease him in the future.

As I started to get out of bed, I saw a body lying on the floor. After taking a closer look, I realised that it was Jaehyun. He looked so cute while sleeping. He slept like a baby. Without even realising, Jaehyun had opened his eyes and teased "Am I really that looking for you to stare at me like that?" I blushed and quickly shook my head while waving my hands around frantically. He just laughed and said "kiyo". I quickly rushed out of the room and into the kitchen. I paused to catch my breath and thought about how unfit I was. I took a look around and finally decided that making them breakfast wouldn't hurt. That was until I realised that I couldn't cook to save my life.

I instantly froze when I heard footsteps coming from the hallway. When I turned around, my eyes widened when I saw that it was Jaehyun. I started replaying the scene that happened in Johnny's room and immediately felt my cheeks warm up. I tried to play it cool and asked him what he was doing in the kitchen. He chuckled and replied with "Johnny hyung told me you can't cook so I'm here to make breakfast. I can teach you if you want," he sent me a sweet smile. He then added "did you know you look very cute when you blush?" which made me blush even more. We then proceeded to make breakfast for the boys. After thinking of the menu, we finally decided on kimchi fried rice with fried eggs and cheese.

As I was frying the eggs, I struggled to flip the eggs and I almost dropped the spatula while doing so. Jaehyun noticed me struggling so he came over to help. He reached from behind and held my hands, guiding me in the process. "Aaah you didn't put the oil in before cracking the egg. That's why it stuck to the pan," he said. I could feel his breath against my neck as he said that. My face then started to get hot at how close we were standing. He then proceeded to guide me throughout the whole process of frying the eggs. In the end, the eggs did not look like a fried egg. On my second attempt, Jaehyun had let me fry the eggs by myself. I remembered to pour in the oil before cracking the egg. After waiting for the egg to be properly cooked, I flipped it using the spatula with much caution, careful not to spoil it yet again. I then cheered and had a mini-celebration for not ruining the egg. Jaehyun then came up to hug me from behind and whispered, "good job Jess"

I blushed at the closeness and quickly broke out of his embrace. As we were setting up the table, I came up with a plan to wake the other boys up. I smirked and turned to look towards Jaehyun, who had a questioning look plastered on his face. By the end of my plan, his confusion turned into an evil smirk which mimicked mine. We then proceeded to grab the pots and pans and some flour to carry out my genius plan. We had divided the rooms so that I would wake the younger members while Jaehyun proceeds to wake the older ones. We decided to wake Johnny the last just for the fun of it. After planning, we silently made our way to the respective rooms and positioned ourselves outside the doors. When Jaehyun mouthed three, I slowly opened the door to find Haechan on the floor and Mark hugging the blanket. As I neared the two, I heard mumbling coming from Mark. I turned around to face him, in fear that he had woken up. To my surprise, his eyes were closed and he was saying something along the lines of pizza and writing music. I silently giggled and got back into action. I felt bad but it would be fun to see their reactions.

I approached Haechan and crouched down so that I would be levelled with him, who was sprawled on the floor and poured some of the flour onto his hand. I sprinkled some on his face and started drawing patterns with it. I stood back up to admire my beautiful artwork and nodded in approval. I then turned my heels to get to my next victim which was Mark. When I was standing next to him, I could hear that he was no longer talking about food and songwriting and instead, he was talking about kittens. I held in my laughter and did what I had to do, although I felt bad because of how cute he was being. I decided to be nice and sprinkled just a tiny bit of flour onto his hand. When I was done, I scanned the room to make sure that the boys hadn't woken up and when I was convinced that they were not going to wake up anytime soon, I left the room and made my way to Winwin, Doyoung, and Yuta's room.

I met up with Jaehyun at the door and counted to three before invading the room. I approached Winwin while looking at Jaehyun going over to Yuta and Doyoung in my peripheral vision. I sprinkled on the flour on his hands, face and hair and waited for Jaehyun near the front door. When he was done, we slowly made our way out when a loud thump was heard from a corner of the room. We immediately froze in our tracks and turned around in hopes that we did not get caught. However, to our surprise, we saw Winwin, who was previously on the bed, lying on the floor with his back facing upwards. We tried our best to keep in our laughter and quickly escorted ourselves outside before anything else happens.

We then made our way to none other than Johnny's room and quickly entered it. We pulled out the whipped cream that we had been saving and immediately put it all over Johnny. We also remembered to smear the flour everywhere. When everything was done, Jaehyun grabbed my hand and was about to guide me out of the room when I told him to go without me and that I would meet him outside. He nodded and silently left, leaving me alone with a snoring Johnny. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on a marker what was lying on the bedside table. I took it and wrote 'Jessica is the best' on his forehead. I held in my laugh and took out my phone to 'capture the moment'. I grinned and thought of the things he would do to get back at me.

After I was done, I placed the marked gently back on the bedside table and tiptoed out the door to meet up with Jaehyun, who was standing in the middle of the hallway with a pot and a ladle in hand. I picked up mine from the floor and he counted down from three. Before he even got the chance to finish the countdown, I bashed the pan with the ladle while shouting 'ireona'. Jaehyun laughed and soon mimicked my actions. We walked up and down the hallway, making sure the banging of pots could be heard from all the rooms. We heard some screams coming out from the rooms over the noise that we were making. Both Jaehyun and I had a satisfied smirk plastered on our faces.

The both of us finally decided to stop when all of them had exited their rooms. One by one, the members came out of their rooms with flour (and whipped cream) on their faces. By the end of it all, Jaehyun and I were full on laughing, to the point where we got stitches. When the victimised members were finally aware of what was going on, the screamed our names in annoyance. Honestly, if glares could kill, Jaehyun and I would be dead by now. Before anything got worse, I spoke up "alright boys. You guys can get your revenge later. Now, go and bathe you guys smell. Jaehyun oppa and I had prepared breakfast for you guys." At the mention of breakfast, their faces lit up and they raced for the bathroom. Jaehyun and I just stood there and laughed while shaking our heads at the eight boys.

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