~Chapter 22~

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Jessica's POV

I woke up to a crowd of whispers. Johnny and the older members were standing around me as if they were sacrificing me. I was about to get up but froze when I felt something around my waist. I turned around to be met with a sleeping boy with his mouth open. I smiled at the sight before tapping on his arm lightly. He stirred in his sleep but eventually woke up when Taeyong had shouted "PPALLI IREONA," which probably woke the rest of the members too.

Finally, Jaehyun sat up but shifted to rest his head on my shoulder. Shaking my head I told him to wake up because we had quite a lot of explaining to do. When the crowd around us dispersed, the both of us proceeded to head upstairs towards our room. I walked to our shared closet and picked out one of Jaehyun's many white shirts and a pair of grey sweat pants and made my way to the toilet. On the way out, I saw Jaehyun under the blanket in his bed fast asleep. Taking out my phone, I took a picture and set it as my homescreen wallpaper before continuing my walk to the toilet.

It did not take me long to wash up so I decided to go back to my room to properly wake Jaehyun and get him to shower. I opened the door and peeked in to find Jaehyun now hugging the blanket as he curled into a ball. I tip-toed over to his bed and sat on the edge. I nudged him lightly. No response. I poked him. No response. I shook him. Still no response.

Sighing, I said, "if you're not gonna wake up now I'll have to tickle you." Still, I got no response from the boy. Shaking my head, I positioned myself next to him before tickling his sides. He jolted up, eyes wide open as he laughed out loud. Seems like he's wide awake now. I stopped tickling him and got up to leave when he suddenly pulled me down and started tickling me in return. I started laughing and screaming for him to stop.

He stopped, however, when the door opened, revealing a confused Yuta standing by the door frame. He cleared his throat and told us to hurry up before leaving. Jaehyun finally got off of me and I stood up, telling him to quickly take a bath cause he stunk. He stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes playfully at his childish behavior. I sat on his bed as I scrolled through my social media feed, occasionally glancing up when Jaehyun walked past.

It took him quite a while to get out of the shower and get ready. Once he was done which was about half an hour later, we finally made our way down to the living room where we were met by the stares of the older members. I heard Jaehyun shift from beside me before clearing his throat and sitting on the floor away from the others. He motioned for me to come over and I obliged, sitting to the empty spot in between him and a potted plant.

For every move we made, we were being stared at by the other members like an eagle who has found its prey. From the corner of my eye, I saw Taeyong get up, followed by the other members who approached the both of us. We were now cornered with no where else to go.

"What were the both of you doing last night?" "How did you guys end up sleeping on the couch together?" "You guys didn't do anything else right? I'm not ready to be an uncle yet," the questions came one after the other. I rolled my eyes at their stupid, and somewhat inappropriate, questions but refused to open my mouth.

I couldn't believe some of the questions that came out of their mouths. Nonetheless, Jaehyun and I allowed them to finish their never-ending trail of questions before answering them.

"We were watching a movie and fell asleep on the couch, and no we did not to that you pervert," I answered while glaring at Johnny who had asked that inappropriate question.

If it weren't for the crowd around us, I would have given him another bruise. Rolling my eyes at him, I stood up to smack him before heading to the kitchen, leaving Jaehyun behind to answer the remaining questions. I heaved a sigh in annoyance and distracted myself while trying to fill my empty stomach.

Just as I was about to take a bowl that was randomly laying on the counter, my stomach growled, letting me know that it too was hungry. Laughing at myself, I took out a box of cereal and poured into the bowl, doing the same with the milk. I grabbed a spoon from one of the drawers and sat on the dining table alone, observing the scene that was unfolding in front of me.

As I was watching the boys, one thought lingered in my mind; would Johnny accept mine and Jaehyun's relationship? My history of relationship hasn't really been that bad, except for that one time. A boy in my class back in Chicago was overly obsessed with me to the point where he was willing to hurt anyone that prevented him from getting to me.

Despite the number of times I had rejected him, he constantly sends me love letters, follow me everywhere I go and nearly kidnapped me when he found out that another boy in my class likes me too. Because of that incident, Johnny had been super protective over me. He had beaten up the dude not once, but thrice; twice when he threatened Johnny to stay away from me and once when he had almost kidnapped me and taken me hostage.

Thinking about him alone made me have anxiety. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head, telling myself that he was in the past and that I should focus on the present. I just hope that this time, Johnny would'nt go crazy when he finds out about Jaehyun and I.

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