~Chapter 7~

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"I really like you Lee Joohyun. So, will you be my girl-"

I was awaken from my deep slumber when a long, heavy thing was being thrown onto me. The thing then proceeded to shout "Wake up sleepy head. Your first practice starts todayyyyy" into my ear, making me go deaf. I groaned as I pushed the thing off, not wanting to get out if bed.

"Oh my god go away Johnny. You just interrupted a very pleasant dream. Plus, I need my beauty sleep," I complained as I covered my head with my pillow.

"My butt looks more beautiful than you even without beauty sleep. Now lets get your lazy ass out of bed and into the shower". When he saw that I did not budge, he carried me into the bathroom as I wriggled around in his grip. He set me down and simply told me to shower before closing the door in my face. Sighing, I followed his orders since it was the first day of practice for me.

After half an hour, I was finally ready. I was told to wear comfortable clothing so I chose to wear one of Johnny's grey shirts and my black jeans. I took a final look in the mirror and walked out of my room only to find Johnny smiling from ear to ear as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Slowly, I crept behind him and looked over his shoulder to see him texting his crush. A mischievous smile crept onto my face as an idea popped into my head.

"JOHNNY HAS A FLAT ASS" I screamed as I shook his body from behind.

"JOHNNYHASAFLATASS AAAAAH" he screamed back which made me double over in laughter. Johnny tends to repeat whatever the person scaring him says so I thought it would make a great revenge for interrupting my sleep earlier. I was rolling on the floor laughing while Johnny glared at me. If glares could kill, I would've been dead. "One, I don't have a flat ass. How dare you insult my dear ass. And two, you have to stop doing that," he chuckled. After calming down, we finally got into his car and made our way to the SM building.

As usual, there were fans near the front entrance where the main door was so Johnny and I had to enter from the back door. At a glance, it looked like a bunch of bushes but if you went nearer you could see the silhouette of a door. With out masks on, we silently walked over to the door, careful not to make any noise in case one of the fans noticed us. Thankfully, we got in safely and none of the fans spotted us. The moment we stepped foot into the building, I breathed a sigh of relief as I ripped the mask off my face. To be honest, the mask was kind of suffocating.

Not long after, we made our way to the practice room. While walking, I scanned each and every poster that lined the walls of the corridors. From Super Junior to the old SMRookies posters, I was fascinated by the different designs and concepts of each poster. Without realizing it, we stopped in front of a door. The familiar tune that came from inside the room made me realise that we had stopped in front of NCT's practice room. I turned to look at Johnny with a questioning look as he smiled and opened the door. As if on cue, all the boys stopped dancing and rushed over to where we were standing and engulfed the both of us in a sweaty hug.

"Ewww you guys are sweaty. Get away from me," I whined as they all laughed. I heard Haechan say something along the lines of  "Sassy, I like her already". I understood that they were in the middle of practicing but what I was still confused about was why I was in their practice room. Before I could ask, Taeyong explained that I was going to be training with them instead of the girl rookies. My style was apparently too...boyish for me to be training with the girl rookies. The boys said that the girls were training for a cute or chick concept while I had the badass vibe which would not go well with the concept. I didn't mind practicing with the boys so I just shrugged it off. Taeyong announced for us to start practicing and we did as the leader said. Maybe things wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be.

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