What is My True Origin? Complex Mind

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I shifted my body to face my brother. I was having conflicting thoughts, doubting if he knows of our parents or life as a newborn. I know that Frieza basically obliterated our race, but there must be more behind it all! I wanna know who our mother and father were!

"Is there anyone else in our family? Why are there only a few Saiyans left? Did anything happen before Planet Vegeta's destruction?" I asked him.

Those questions made Goku silent. I regretted asking him, I thought that he would know at least some bit of information on at least one of my questions. His face grew serious, one I've only seen when he is ready to knock somebody out. I grew slightly scared, always terrified of that expression.

"It was all Frieza. He destroyed our home planet, which killed almost the entire Saiyan race. Only you, me, and Vegeta had survived. I'm not too sure of us, well mostly me. I do however know that Vegeta worked under Frieza." Goku replied.

"Vegeta was evil?! Uh, I won't ask, that'll be for the prince to answer. But, is there anyone else in our family that I don't know of? I mean, we did come to find out that we are siblings, so the least I could know if I have another." I asked.

Goku stood up and went upstairs to grab a box, then walked back downstairs. He then sat down again next to me, still holding whatever he grabbed. I was curious of what was inside, but shook it off as he was about to speak. I've never seen him like this in a while.

"His name is Raditz, our older brother. Piccolo killed him, along with me. He tried to destroy Gohan, along with everyone on Earth." Goku responded.

I had my head on my fist, looking down. Damn, I'm at a loss of words. Goku also told me about Frieza's resurrection and how the alien was. I felt anger rush through my body. That heartless bastard. He killed our race, my true family. If I ever meet him I'll give him a piece of me! My brother had a gentle hand on my shoulder and a reassuring smile.

"But hey, I think I might have something to cheer you up!" Goku changes the topic.

He opened the box. It was Goku's orange and blue combat outfit in my size. This one had the long, blue sleeves and an orange ribbon to tie my hair up. I had a huge smile on my face and hugged my brother. He told me that Chichi made it for me and to try it on. I nodded and went to the bathroom to do so. Once I finished, I looked in the mirror. I bet going Super Saiyan would look cool.

Running downstairs, I stopped at the water surrounding the island. I went to do a kamehameha, so I blasted it as the water rises from the energy. Going Super Saiyan, I teleported and blocked the attack. It's a bit weighted, but it's perfect!

"I love it! This is amazing! Thank you! I'm heading to Chichi's place right now!" I exclaimed.

I hugged my brother and then flew off to my sister-in-law's house, having my arms spread out. It's comfortable yet so cool! But while I was flying, I felt strange negative energy. It was faint, but I ignored it as I made my way to her place.

In Hell, the guards ran away when the Cell Jrs surrounded the area. Babidi saw the giant sphere of me flying, then turned back to his little orb. Cell, Frieza, Raditz, and other villains tried to raise their energy levels to give his orb some power to at least control someone for a short period of time.

"Aha! I have just enough to control one of those pathetic Hell guards. He'll break only a few of us out. Since this is my plan, I shall choose who accompanies me." Babidi explains.

He looks around and points to who will join him. Cell Jrs, Raditz, and the Ginyu Force. But someone cuts him off just as he was about to finish. A dark shadow came out from his cell and into the dim light. A recognizable face who died not so many years ago.

"I'm coming along. Since I'm the only one here who has battled the female, you'll need me. If you refuse, I'll tell some of of the guards your little plan." Raion tells him.

Babidi had no choice but to agree. So, he began to start his plan. Raditz seems more excited than anybody else it seems. Each villain had a maniacal laugh, watching so see if this plan will unfold.

"Chichi!" I exclaimed.

I knocked on her door all cheery. Goten opened it and grew a smile. He allowed me inside and we both sat on the couch. My nephew told me how my outfit was similar to his when he was child. I was given a small tour of the house, passing by some portraits and antiques. Such a cozy little home they have here. I picked up a photo of the family before Goten was born, then one of when he was just a baby.

"Aww! You and Gohan looked so young and adorable!" I exclaimed.

Chichi walks into the room happy to see me here. I thank her for the outfit and decided to stay over for a while and help her clean. I rolled up my sleeves and put cleaning gloves on to start cleaning whatever was in the sink.

After I finished washing them and started drying the dishes, I dropped one and fell on my knees with my hands on my head. What's going on?! My head is killing me! Chichi stopped vacuuming and ran to my aid as well as Goten, worried.

"Athena?! What's wrong?!" Goten asked me.

"I-I don't know! I need to lay down. My head is pounding." I responded.

I had help to the couch and had a cold towel on my forehead. Goten holds my arm and calls Goku and Trunks to hurry over here. But suddenly, the pain stopped, like as if nothing happened. When I sat up, Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks arrived. I weakly looked over to them, my hands were slightly shaking.

"What happened?" Trunks asks me.

"I honestly don't know. One minute I had a terrible headache, then it just somehow went away. I feel something bad is going on..." I told them.

I then was instructed to stay home and rest. Everyone else in the house agreed so I didn't want to protest, thinking that I might need a good nap. It can't be the stress of training too much right? I flew home while Trunks went to go pick up Willow. Once I landed, I walked inside, took a good hot shower, then to my bed.

Meanwhile, Babidi successfully controlled the guard and escaped with his group before the spell wore off. All they need to do is gather some energy for the rest of the plan to work.

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