Farewell, Bardock! Restored Peace!

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Sorry I have been way focused on grades and rushed a lot but I has returned!


"This is pizza?" My father asks.

"Yeah. It's awesome!" Goku says.

"It tastes better with some toppings." I added.

We were having a huge buffet of food. Bardock tried many Earth dishes. I kept staring at the Halo hovering over his head. Tomorrow he'll be gone once again for good. He noticed I was staring at the Halo above him. Bardock shrugged it off and resumed eating his food. I stood up and had both hands on the table.

"I'm sorry I know you're my father and all, but I wanna fight you! You're going to leave forever tomorrow so this is my chance! I'll only go Super Saiyan so it may be fair so please father, please accept it!" I said.

Both my brother and my father gave me a look. Goku tried to calm me down, but Bardock began to smirk and stand up himself, getting close to my face.

"Fine, I haven't fought in years. I'll be rusty though so don't go overboard Maiz." He accepts.

"Alright with me!" I exclaimed.

We both flew far back and got into our stances, Goku complaining. He wants to join, so I made it a father versus siblings match. Me and Goku stared at Bardock. I then yelled to start and soon we all aimed for each other in the center of the air. The wind went wild around the three of us. Then, I see Bardock go Super Saiyan. I flew back, amazed. So, its our turn now! Me and my brother as well went to that level. My father witnesses me as a Super Saiyan, the first female in our race to become one.

"Some sight to behold." he comments.

"I'm still amazed that this whole time I was born from a proud race. Now, lets resume!" I said.

We all clashed again. After a while, it started to get late. I powered down and floated in mid-air, staring at the two Saiyans. I told them that I will have Bardock sleep at my place. We waved goodnight to Goku as me and my father flew to my house. I walked through the door, seeing Trunks and Willow on the couch. My daughter was sleeping on his lap. Trunks takes her to her room to put her to bed and then walks out to me and my father.

"Athena, I left some food on the counter." he tells me.

"Forgot, your Earth name is that." Bardock spoke.

"It's fine, I'll go eat. You can set up the movie, Trunks." I told them.

He nodded and went to choose a film while I went to eat. Bardock hovered over me, asking what the dish was. I just kept eating. He sat in front of me, looking at his surroundings. Bardock found the frame that held the picture of the whole group at the time of the Tournament. He kept walking around, seeing wedding pictures, funny memories, and unforgettable moments.

"So, you're married to Prince Vegeta's son? How did that happen?" Bardock asks.

"It's a long story. To sum it all up, we hooked up at a party when I met Lord Beerus. 4 years later, we got married and had Willow, which was all predicted by my future daughter that came from the future to tell us disaster was going to strike. I have a crazy life I should say." I told him.

We both head to the couch to watch a movie and then after that to bed. Bardock slept in the living room. Before I went to my room, I took one last look at my father and smiled. Good-night, dad. I then went to sleep with Trunks.

The next morning I was so drained from all the excitement the other day. My husband kept shaking my arm awake in a worried manner. I quickly shot up and rubbed my tired eyes, glaring at my rushed husband.

"Your father is gone, Goku was here by the time I got up." He said.

"Are you freaking serious?! Goku busted into the house and took Bardock?! Why?!" I yelled.

"He apparently wanted to resume the fight he told me about." Trunks answers.

"I'm gonna kill him!" I yelled.

I flew out the house to hunt down my brother. He can't just bust into my house and take someone without me knowing! Goku! I heard explosions near Capsule Corp. so I increased my speed. I landed and ran to the back, being stopped by a certain Prince.

"What the hell are you doing here, Maiz?" he asks.

"Simple, interfering with Goku and Bardock's match!" I told him.

"Not gonna happen." He refuses.

"Why?! Since when do you cover Goku's back?!" I shouted.

Goku and Bardock notice me arguing with the Prince. My brother floats down to the both of us, our father following behind. I crossed my arms and glared at my brother angrily.

"Finally! I've been waiting for you! Let's resume the match from yesterday. But, it'll be me and dad versus you and Vegeta." Goku told me.

"You know I can never turn down a fight...Let's go!" I replied.

The four of us took to the skies and was ready in our stances. Immediately, we all went Super Saiyan and clashed our fists. Vegeta obviously went after my brother so I began to attack my father. We all launched Ki blasts at each other at random. I decided to trick Bardock. I allowed him to blast my back, having me float forward slowly downwards. He rushed to my form, holding me. I smirked and went behind him, kicking Bardock's back and blasting the back of his head.

"Cmon dad, that was too easy!" I exclaimed, pretending to pout.

"Heh, alright alright. Next time it won't happen." He tells me.

If there IS a next time. We resumed our battle. After a while, we all rested under a tree. My father began to glow. His fingers were slowly disappearing. No, no no no! You need to stay longer! Bardock unwrapped his headband and applied some of his blood onto it and wrapped it on my head.

"It's my time to leave." He tells me.

"No! Bardock don't leave now! Dad please!" I begged.

He hugs me, fading away completely. I sat there with tears in the corner of my eyes. I mumbled a goodbye as Goku comforted me. Vegeta holds my shoulder. The two Saiyans helped me up on my feet. Goodbye, dad. I'll bring you back here someday, permanently.

"I know how to cheer ya up! Bulma is throwing a party for your rescue! Let's go!" Goku tells me.

I smiled. The three of us flew to Capsule Corp. I let out my arms, twirling in the sky and started a contest with the two to see who would get there first.

"No Instant Transmission, Goku!"


We all raced there with smiles, no more problems ahead of us. Well, for now anyways.

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