Scientific Help! The Source of the Headaches?

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"Mom! Mom!" Willow calls me.

She noticed me sleeping in my bed and gave off a look. She then looked at her father who just walked in. Willow gave off a slightly worried look to Trunks. She tugs on his wrist to grab his full attention, taking his eyes away from my sleeping form.

"Dad, is mom okay? She almost never takes a nap." Willow asks.

"Yeah she is just sleeping a headache away. You can stay with her while I start dinner." Trunks told her.

Willow nodded and laid down on my back while Trunks heads to the kitchen to start making food. She played with my spiky hair until she grew tired and fell asleep with me as well.

Meanwhile on an island, the group of villains raise their energies and kill some inhabitants, trying to gain their strength back. King Kai noticed this and told Goku, but he didn't seem to buy it. He thought of telling Vegeta, but he thinks he would say that it was nonsense.

"Athena! Wake up! You guys are in danger!" King Kai yells.

But I didn't wake up. No one would listen to the North Kai. He gave up and decided to wait until the damage is done. My older brother stretches his limbs and approached a focus Babidi, growing impatient on this devious plan. He asks how long it will take for his orb to regain its energy.

"At least 2 months since Hell drained its energy. In the meantime, gain your strength quickly. But do not look for those warriors until I have enough to take one of them over. Since Vegeta fought through it last time, he is out. Goku is too strong. So we'll go after their precious female Saiyan." Babidi told them.

Babidi keeps trying to take over my mind to see if it would work. This is causing my strange and random head pains. While he does that, I began to scream in pain and fall off the side of the bed. My daughter woke up and fell the other direction. She stood up startled and stared down at me, worried.

"Mom?! What's wrong?!" She asks, frantic.

I couldn't answer with all the grunting. Willow ran to her father for extra help. By now my knees were near my face and I gripped my head. What's happening to me?! I can't control this! Immediately both Trunks and Willow ran to my side.

"We'll get you to my mom! She might figure something out! C'mon, help her up!" Trunks told us.

Willow grabs my arms and helps me up. Trunks picked me up in a bridal position and flew off to Capsule Corp. with Willow by our side. One hand of mine gripped my head while the other held Trunk's shirt tight. Our daughter was very worried at my current state, she tried to call me down.

"I can't handle this much pain! Please hurry, Trunks!" I begged him.

"Mom please don't cry! Grandma is smart! She'll know what's going on! Just please stay calm!" Willow begs.

I gave her a weak smile, but went back to clutching my head. Once we landed, the two of them ran through the double doors. The lady at the desk jumped at our sudden approach and asks if we needed Bulma. Luckily, she came out and asked what's wrong. Once Trunks explained everything, we went up to her lab and I was sat on a table.

"Where's grandpa?" Willow asks.

"He is in the Gravity Chamber. If you want you can go to him while we figure out what's wrong with your mother." Bulma replied.

"Please make her feel better." I cried.

Willow took one last glance at me. I nodded to her and held both of my arms since it's cold. My daughter then ran to the prince. I think it's best for her to not know what's wrong with me. It could be serious, please don't tell me that I have to stop training.

"So explain everything to me again." Bulma tells us.

"W-Well, I've been having these random headaches. They don't seem very normal. Once I get it, the pain happens for only a few minutes and then it just suddenly stops." I retold.

Bulma grabbed a device and told me to relax so that she can scan my head. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes. Please have nothing wrong with me. She looks at her screens to see if there is anything different. I took deep breaths, my heartbeat slowly calms down.

"I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Oh wait! Some kind of negative energy but it's very faint. I don't know what it's from, but I see it could be worse later on. Look, maybe if you keep fighting it, nothing serious will happen. That's all I can give you." Bulma explains.

"Alright. Thank you." I told her.

Me and Trunks headed out of the building and took a breather. I looked over to the chamber where Vegeta and Willow are in and then to the ground. I need to do mental work then, but all I do is fight! How can I just sit there and do nothing!

"Maybe if I ask Piccolo to help me mediate. That can help me keep my mind calm and still fight off whatever that energy is." I told myself.

Willow came back to us noticing our energies were near here and we all flew home to have dinner. Back on the island, the villains began to train hard to gain their energies and become even more stronger than before.

"I'm coming for you, my dear little sister." Raditz told himself with a mischievous grin.

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