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I looked down at the headband given to me by my father 4 years ago. I tied it up on my head and walked out of the house, flying towards Bulma's place with bags in hand. I wore the combat outfit given to me by Whis. I look below me, many people were standing on her grounds. A figure looks up at me.

"Hey, Maiz! Hurry the hell up!" I heard Vegeta call from below.

I landed my feet on the Prince's shoulders and looked down, smiling. I then jumped off him, poking his chest and looking up at his stern look.

"So impatient, Vegeta. I'm here now. Feel better?" I told him.

"You're late." He told me.

"I'm sorry, I woke up late. Trunks and Willow were trying to get here early so they didn't bother to wake me. The two always, especially for a day like this." I said.

Speaking of the two, they float down in front of me. They were apologizing for not waking me up. As I was about to speak, Bulma walked through her front door.

"Alright everyone! Get ready to head to the yacht!" She exclaims.

I started to walk with my family until I was picked up and thrown onto a person's shoulder, sitting. I recognized the spiky hair hitting me and swung my feet like a child.

"Morning to you too, Goku." I said.

"You're so short! Man I remember when I picked you up by the back of your collar and you were struggling. That was cute!" He said.

"Don't remind me of that time! I do not want to remember Majin Athena ever again." I told him.

We both laugh as we boarded the huge boat. Trunks holds his arms out, Goku sets me down to him as he carries me bridal style. We spin around and then he puts me down.

"It's really sweet for Bulma to do this for Willow." I said.

"Yeah. But I do want to meet this boy she has been talking about." Trunks says.

"Oh she's 16 now, we'll see if he is worthy enough for her. Just, let's not show off our crazy abilities." I said.

Willow roams around the yacht with a teenage boy with short, spiky black hair. She guides him to us and was a little nervous.

"Mom, Dad, this is the boy I was telling you about." She introduced.

"Hello, I'm Ikabi. Nice to meet you two." He greets, politely bowing.

He seems nice. I looked at my husband, who had his eyebrow raised at the boy. I shook Ikabi's hand and greeted myself.

"No need to be so formal. I'm Athena Briefs. Nice to meet ya." I introduced myself.

I nudged Trunks with my elbow to his side. He looked down at me and sighed, introducing himself to the teen. Let's hope nothing out-of-the-ordinary happens. The two walk to the food tables.

"You don't trust him, do you?" I asked.

"We'll see." He responds.

I kissed Trunks's cheek and dragged him to get food as the boat sets off. Aww! He's being protective! I looked at the two having a fun time on the dance floor. A light was glowing at the middle of the yacht. Lord Beerus and Whis entered.

"What just happened?!" Ikabi asks, stunned.

"Uh-Um...ya see that was all magic! Many people here you see can do all sorts of tricks!" Willow lies.

I face-palmed. Damn! The boy went down on both knees and bowed down to the God. Wait excuse me?

"That magic trick was amazing! This is awesome! I get to meet the savior of the world Mr. Satan and I got to see an awesome trick!" Ikabi exclaims.

Oh boy... I rolled my eyes and walked away from the scene. Savior my ass. I was told it was Gohan who saved everyone. He took all the credit. If only he knew. Vegeta flew to the top of the yacht and stood there. Ikabi was more amazed. Videl went up to me to talk.

"If he's going to be hanging around Willow, shouldn't we tell them what's really going on? It's kinda similar to my situation years ago." She told me.

"Really? We'll see. I don't know if he's ready to know about Saiyans and such." I replied.

The party kept going. Willow opened presents and we had tons of cake. Beerus had his request of having an entire table full of pudding cups. My teenage daughter leaned her head on Ikabi's shoulder, taking a sip of her soda. One day he'll know, probably by accident. As night rolled around, we all gathered together.

"Happy birthday, Willow!" I cheered, hugging her.

She was smiling, as did everyone. Fireworks were held, that was a bad idea. Willow loves fireworks to the point where she'll fly towards them! I have her a stern look to not even think about it. She nodded and resumed to look at the bright colors. Trunks wrapped his arm around my shoulders, holding me tight.

"So what if Ikabi gets together with our daughter? How do you think he'll react when she tells him that she is an alien from a powerful race?" I asked.

"I'll be there to see if he tries anything on her like calling her a freak. But if the two do end up together, he needs to earn my trust and all of our trust. It can't just be told just plainly." He responds.

I made a small laugh. Totally the son of Vegeta. Willow runs and and hugged the both of us, saying this is an amazing day for her. We hugged back and are glad she's happy.

Majin Nightmare [COMPLETED] *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now