Combining Physical and Mental Training!

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"Vegeta! Open up!" I yelled.

It was the afternoon the next day and Vegeta agreed to train me in the Gravity Room. Trunks promised Willow to go to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and train with her. Vegeta opens the door and waited for me to walk in. I hopped inside and unwrapped my towel from my neck and set down my water bottle.

"Okay, so let's refresh our memories. While I stand with my eyes closed and focus my mind, you turn on the room and attack me and I'll try to fight back." I retold.

"Yeah whatever." Vegeta said.

"Oh! Before I forget, I need to ask maybe a couple of questions." I reminded myself.

"Let's just get this over with." Vegeta told me sternly.

"Aww, the prince doesn't like to train with me anymore?" I joked.

Vegeta rolled his eyes, smirked, and turned on the machine. The intense gravity pulled me down hard. Ow... I struggled to get up. I focused on my surrounding and closed my eyes, having the white aura surround me. This is intense, but it's the only way!

"Now Vegeta!" I yelled.

The Saiyan prince launched himself at me while those drones start blasting beams at us. For the first couple of minutes, I got hit many times. I sensed Vegeta's foot coming towards my head. So instinctively, I caught it and swung him towards two of the robots. Think I'm getting the hang of this. I backflip myself and launched a blast towards Vegeta's back, smirking. I then felt the gravity returning back to normal, so my back the roof from trying to maintain balance.

"That hurt! Also why did we stop? I was doing well." I asked.

"Ask the damn questions." He told me.

I walked out of the room with him to grab some food and water. I dumped my towel into a bucket of cold water and then wrapped it around my neck to cool down. I untied my ribbon and let my hair down. I guess I can ask him now then since we have this time.

"Someone's curious. Okay, first question. Why do you always call Goku Kakarot? Is it an insult?" I asked.

"It's his Saiyan name. Anyone born on Planet Vegeta has one. So that is Kakarot's name. It's out of respect for the entire race." He explains.

Saiyan name? So that means I have one as well. I wonder what it is. I swing my feet, pondering if I could recall any unique name. I gave up when nothing came into mine, so I excitedly held Vegeta's arm and shook him violently.

"By any chance, do you know my Saiyan name? You're a prince, so you should at least now something about it!" I asked.

"Hell no! If anyone would know it would be either Kakarot or your father. But your father is dead and I highly doubt your brother knows." Vegeta told me.

I hung my head and resumed drinking my bottled water. That sucks. Now I really wanna meet my father. Nah, that's insane. I stood up and grabbed some meat. Then another question popped into my head, but was afraid of the answer. Oh well, better now than never.

"Not to cause any trouble or strike a memory, but why did you join Frieza's army? Why were you evil?" I questioned.

Vegeta almost choked on his food and gave me a look. Whoops, I think I struck a nerve. The prince explained everything from the beginning to when he was on the old Planet Namek to search for the Namekian Dragon Balls for immortality and when Frieza shot a beam at his chest to kill him once Goku arrived.

"Is it crazy that I want to fight him for all of these things?" I asked, laughing a bit.

"You're out of your mind! Enough of this Freiza talk. Hurry so we can go back to training." Vegeta told me.

I nodded. That story seems interesting. But comparing to that point in time and now, can't really be shocked if Goku's power-level was high. Heck, Vegeta killed his own parter, Nappa was it? The two of us finished our break and resumed to the Gravity Room. During our training, I pretended to have a scouter as how he described it to me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Vegeta asks.

"Your power-level, its over 8,000!" I yelled.

I tried hard not to laugh while launching a kick to his arm. A few drones shot blasts at us at a faster pace. This training went on for a while. We did this everyday except for weekends since I'm with my family. I haven't gotten those headaches in a while now. This is working! I punched the prince's nose hard, gaining my confidence again.

"I can see she has been improving. It's only been three weeks and it has gotten more harder to take her!" Babidi yells.

He shot a look to a couple of Cell Jrs and started his back-up plan. He sent out three of them and the rest to remain in the area. Babidi then continues to gain the energy needed, but he way yanked back by one of his villain fiends in a fit of rage.

"The hell are you doing?!" Raion asked.

"Causing a distraction, you idiot. This might help." Babidi replied.

The lucky ones flew over to search for me, all laughing. They noticed a house with two people they familiarized from Babidi's orb. So, the Cell Jrs. decided to strike there. Back at Capsule Corp. Bulma comes running in the room. The Gravity returns to normal. Both me and Vegeta look at her.

"Athena!" She yells.

"What's wrong?!" I asked.

"Your family! Trunks, Willow, they're in trouble!" She tells me.

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