The Appearance of the Older Brother! Athena vs Raditz!

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"With all of these energies around us, this will only take just about an hour for this to be filled! Raditz, your time-"

Babidi stops talking and notices that the said Saiyan was no longer on the island, just a few Cell Jrs and Raion. The little androids spun around, trying to find Raditz. The leader of the group yelled in frustration.

"Damn that fool!" Babidi yells.

"Saiyans...always do what they want. Just hurry up already." Raion says.

I hope the others are okay. I was flying towards the location Willow told me but decided to take a break on a nearby island. Once landed, I laid down under a shady tree and rest my eyes, but concentrating my aura. I'm sure they're fine. We're too strong to get underestimated. If anything, these villains should be shaking in their boots.

After a while, a strong hand gripped my head and threw me toward a mountain. What the?! He has long, black spiked hair. His face looked familiar, giving off a fake smile. Who the hell are you? Something inside was telling me I know this man, but I don't recognize him.

"Ow! What's going on now?! I wanna relax!" I yelled, demanding to know.

"Shut up, female." The stranger told me.

I stood up and dusted off the dirt and pebbles off of me. Judging by his armor, it looks very familiar. Why do I feel like I know this person? I never met the guy. I raised an eyebrow and tried to remember whoever he is. His face however reminds me of Goku in a way.

"By any chance, are you a Saiyan?" I asked.

The stranger nodded. My face lit up and grabbed his wrist, pulling him along with me. He's a Saiyan! I guessed right! Goku and Vegeta would be so happy! He gave me a confused look, not the reaction he was expecting from me.

"Yay! C'mon! I gotta show you to everyone knowing that there's another Saiyan!" I told him.

"As perfect as it sounds, I'm here for you." He told me.

"I'm sorry, stranger, but I'm married. Oh I forgot, what is your name?" I asked.

He snatched his hand away from me and crossed his arms with a smirk. I crossed my arms and looked at him in curiosity. The mystery man chuckled, some reason darkly. I'm not liking where this is going...

"You don't know remember your own older brother? How sad." He told me.

Older brother? I'm the youngest by blood and I only have Goku. Unless the Saiyan is...oh no! No way! I backed away in slight fear, remembering the words Goku back at Old Pervert Roshi's. It can't be! I gritted my teeth and tightened my fists, staring at the now grinning man.

"N-No way! Y-You're Raditz?!" I freaked out.

He nodded. I didn't know how else to react. So my other option was to fight, but also raise my energy so the other can find me. Also in the back of my mind, I had thousands of questions roaming. So, I started to raise my energy instead. Gotta warn the others! Goku won't be too happy about this!

"Goku! Vegeta! Guys hurry!" I yelled.

"C'mon sister! You'd never hurt family, right?" Raditz questions.

He's weak! He has too! Then a thought came into mind. I yelled at the top of my kind and went Super Saiyan 2, then I launched myself and fought him off. I don't even know if I should even call you my brother since you haven't been in my life. Yes, Goku wasn't here for the first couple of years, but he helped me become who I am! Goku is my true brother, and you're nothing!

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