Help Us, Supreme Kai! A Way to Free Her!

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The next morning, me and Willow head towards Goku's place to ask him a question. Last night, it felt different since my wife wasn't there. Willow felt a little odd, she kept reading that note over and over again while being down. A few tears escaped her eyes.

I'm not doing so well myself. The bed felt empty and I miss her laughing at me every time I made a mistake or when she gets scared every time Willow or I startle her. But now that she isn't here, it didn't feel right.

We landed at the door and knocked on it lightly since it's still the morning. My best friend Goten opened it, rubbing his eye and yawning. I asked him if Goku was here. My question was answered when I saw the said male walking from the backyard to the front. Willow looked up to see him, then run up to him and cried. Poor Willow.

"Willow?! What's wrong?!" Goku asks.

She hands him the note found on the front door of the house and allowed him to read it. Goku's face lit up. He hugged her and spun Willow around with a smile on his face, she started to giggle a bit. Goten took the note and asked what's going on. Once I explained everything, he shook. ChiChi was hiding in the hallway and heard everything.

"I'll gather everyone at Dende's place so we can tell them what's going on. Oh, what was it that you needed Trunks?" Goku asks.

"Can you take me to the Supreme Kai? He might know another way to get rid of the Majin out of her without Athena dying." I asked.

"Dad, I wanna come! I'm worried about mom too!" Willow tells me.

"Sure, just hold on-"

"What's going on over here? Everyone seems to be a little on edge." A voice said.

We all turned around. Lord Beerus and Whis stood there, looking curious. Damnit! This just got worse! I held my daughter tight to me, she looked confused but then smiled a little bit. She ran over to the god and latched onto his leg, giggling. Sh-Shit!

"Hi kitty!" Willow says.

"W-Willow?! Did you forget he is-"

"It's fine Trunks. Now what is going on? I'm growing impatient." Beerus cuts me off.

"We're going to save Athena before she is fully token over by the Majin!" Goku told him.

Whis gave Beerus a look of concern. He whispered something into his ear. Please don't tell me something bad is happening.

"If she is becoming more dangerous I'll have no choice but to erase her from existence." Beerus tells us.

Each one of us backed away in fear. I am not letting that happen! I'm not losing her permanently! I walked up to him and gave him a stern look. I'm so going to die for this, but it's for her sake!

"Lord Beerus, we will rescue her! Please do not destroy her! She is equally strong as both my father and her brother! She is also my wife and Willow's mother! We can't lose Athena! We will do anything in our power to get rid of it without having her dead!" I told him.

Beerus gave me a look that could kill me if he had that power. Goku grabbed my shoulder and tried to calm me down. Willow was holding scared and ran to hold Goten's hand. I clenched my fists and turned around, waiting for Goku to take me to the Supreme Kai.

"Trunks, I won't destroy her. But if she gets out of hand, I will have no choice. Oh, and don't ever talk to a god like that again, especially a god of destruction. Go to Whis and he'll take you there faster." Beerus tells me.

I nodded. Willow ran up to me as we both held onto Whis's back. Goku was going to follow on his own and then gather everyone later. Then we all took off to the Supreme Kai. Willow held onto my body tight. Please tell me he knows something at least.

Majin Nightmare [COMPLETED] *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now