1k Special - Tournament of Power

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"Goku you're the biggest idiot!" I yelled, punching the back of his head.

"You know how I am, sis! I'm sorry!" He says back.

He told me about the Tournament of Power and what would happen if a universe loses. On the team we have Gohan, him, me, Piccolo, the Androids, Krillin, Vegeta, and Majin Buu. But the issue is that he is sleeping and won't wake up. Then Beerus mentions the past with Frieza.

"That's it! Let's get Frieza to replace Buu!" Goku says.

"What?!" We all scream.

I mainly freaked out. That monster?! I haven't met him and after all that I have heard, Goku want him on the team?! Is he insane?! He grabs my shoulders after he noticed my reaction.

"You are crazy! You told me he was evil! A tyrant! Did you forget he destroyed our home planet and killed thousands?!" I screamed.

"It'll only be for the tournament so it's for 24 hours. C'mon! You can finally fight him~." He says, trying to bribe me.

All of us groaned. Damn me being a full Saiyan, now I really wanna fight that bastard! We all eventually gave in. Goku takes me with him to see if we could have Frieza be in our team for a day. Why did I agree...? Once we solved everything, we were taken to Hell to meet up with him. Everything I see was all sweet and calm. Flowers everywhere and pink butterflies.

"This is Hell? It's so...weird. Not what I expected." I said.

"This is Frieza's Hell. He can't stand it." Goku tells me.

"Indeed it is, Son Goku. Ah and I get to finally meet your dear sister." I heard.

My body froze. His voice was chilling and sounded creepy. Goku waved his hand in my face to get my attention. The chrysalis spun around, a face stared right back at me. The alien gave off a smirk once he finally saw me, my legs shook. It was the one and only, Frieza.

"F-F-Frieza." I stuttered, shaking.

"We meet at last, Athena. I must say, you in your Majin form was interesting. I had hope I was going to be set free." He spoke.

I was starting to march up to him but Goku grabbed onto my elbow. I looked back at him in anger. My brother cuts off the chrysalis, everything then turned dark. I shook more, but realized he is smaller than me. I'm a little taller.

"The Tournament of Power. That sounds interesting, quite." Frieza says.

"Right?" Goku replies.

Frieza walks up to us, he holds my chin and examines me. He's small and looks like a girl, but he has a chilling aura. He let's go of me.

"If I refuse, would that be a problem?" He asks.

"A little." Goku admits.

"No duh!" I said.

Frieza chuckled at the two of us, saying he'll refuse. I balled up my fists but Goku held my wrist. He's trying us! Why are you so calm?!

"Oh, well bye then. Let's go, sis." Goku says, walking with me.

"B-But Goku!" I whined.

Frieza stood there shocked, saying he was joking. Me and my brother look back at him. Attention seeker... bet you wanted him to beg. The alien asks that after 24 hours if he would be brought back here.

"What do you expect? Don't be picky." Goku tells him.

"Then these are my terms." Frieza says.

"You are in no position to-"

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