The Terror Ends! Athena Returns!

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"Y-You cheaters! You idiots interfered!" I yelled, coughing.

"It was to defend everyone. You're match ends here." my brother told me.

"It's time to bring her back." Vegeta adds.

Damn them! I tried to get up, my legs were shaking. Blood trailed down to my fingertips and down my forehead. My glasses were long gone. The clothes on me were ripped and burnt. I held onto my right arm tight.

"I-I can still fight!" I said.

But an energy was surrounding me. A green mist swirled around my body. I looked around, almost scarred. I barely saw outside. What I did see was a smirking Vegeta, a stern Goku, and two worried figures. Trunks...Willow... The green mist began to glow, causing me pain. I gripped my head and screamed. After a while, the M on my forehead disappeared and I was back to normal. Finally... My body grew very weak, so I fell forward. The last thing I heard was the word "mom" before I passed out and hit the hard surface.

Willow rushed to her mom's side, tears of happiness and worry were flowing down her now-pink cheeks. It's good to see you smile again. The jug that had the Majin soul was given to Lord Beerus to keep out of harms way. I went over to Athena's figure and picked her up. She lost a lot of color. My father then came to my side as I gave her to him. We all then flew to Capsule Corp.

My mom had Athena in her underwear, placing her inside a pod and filled it up with a liquid that could heal her. Don't worry, you'll be back in no time. I'm glad you're back.

"It will take some time. She is very weak. But, I'm glad she's back to her regular self." My mom told us.

We all walked out of the building, Willow was the last to leave. All of us are. I informed her adoptive-father that she is alright. Now that I mention her father, Athena did talk about her Saiyan father before all of this happened.

"Goku, is it possible to bring back Bardock for a day? She has been talking about it lately." I asked.

"I don't know. But I doubt we can." He replies.

I looked down. Willow laid her head on my arm, slowly falling asleep. I decided to take her home so she may rest. Everyone agreed, so we all left. I carried Willow on my back. She slowly started to drift to sleep until she spoke up.

"Dad? Is mom going to be alright?" She asks sluggishly.

"I promise you, she will." I reassured.

She then smiled and fell asleep, whispering the word "good". Once we arrived home, I set her down on her bed and then went to my room. I looked at the empty bed, sighing.

"She'll be back. You can go one more night." I said to myself.

I went to take a long shower so I could clean off the cuts and such and then wash my dirty clothes. Then, I too went to sleep where I wasn't so restless anymore.

I woke up hours later early in the morning and went to Willow's bedroom, but she wasn't there. The bathroom door was wide open and there was no one in the kitchen.

"Willow?! Willow where are you?!" I yelled.

I ran out of the house and went to check Goku's and Gohan's place, but she wasn't there. My last resort was Capsule Corp. so I immediately fly there. Why would she leave?! Once I landed, I rushed through the doors, but was stopped by my mother. She silenced me and pointed to where Willow was.

"Willow..." I muttered.

She was sleeping by the chamber where her mom rests. Her head laid on the glass, wrapping her arms around herself. Her hair was a mess and I could tell she looked very tired.

"She was here since midnight. I allowed her to stay over, but I didn't know that you never knew she was gone. I'm sorry." My mom whispered to me.

"It's fine. I would do the same." I replied.

I woke up Willow so she may at least have some food in her system, we all ate in another room. My father joined us, he was a little bit worried I'm guessing.

"I will be checking up on her. I'll be right back." My father said.

We all nodded. As he left, I comforted my daughter. She slightly smiled at me, I gave her one back. Then I heard a gasping sound from the other room. I slowly walked to the source. My father stood there shocked, so did I. That was fast!

"What's up?" Athena spoke.

She walked out of the chamber all soaked. Athena put on her new glasses and saw the both of us. She noticed our faces were red. She looked down at herself, noticing she is just in her underwear. Her face turned red as well, covering her parts quickly.

"Gah! W-Why am I in my underwear?!" She screamed, startled.

"Uh, w-well you see-"

"You got weak when we got rid of the Majin. Your body collapsed so we took you to a pod that can heal you. That's why you're soaked and in your underwear. Now hurry and put clothes on, Bulma left them on the table." My father said, cutting me off.

He then walked off. I slowly walked up to her, eyeing her face. Her eyes are back to normal, so I her color. I placed my hand on her cheek, now warm and thankfully not cool. Willow came running in here, tears in the corner of her eyes and hugging her mom tight. Guess dad told her.

"Mom! You're back!" She said, crying.

"I missed you guys. I can't remember a lot. Can you guys explain to me everything?" Athena said.

Once I was told of everything, I felt real bad. I hurt all my friends and loved ones. I can't believe it. I started to cry a bit, but was comforted by my family. I went to put clothes on since I was still in underwear and walked out with them. I saw the Prince and his wife. I sighed and slowly approached him and hid my face in shame.

"I'm really sorry Vegeta. I guess I'm not much of a worthy Saiyan that I tried to be." I apologized.

"It wasn't you so you're fine, you're a fine Saiyan warrior. Think you should go to Kakarot's." he told me.

I nodded and did so. I hesitated on knocking on his door. ChiChi opened it, she got startled a bit. I told her I'm not a Majin and she allowed me in. I looked around, Goku was on the couch with his head down. I walked up to him and sat down. He looked at me, Goku smiled and then gave me a bear hug. I started to cry on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Goku. I'm so so sorry." I said, crying.

"It's fine, Athena. I promise, I don't hate you. You're my sister." Goku said.

Trunks and Willow were in the back, smiling at the scenery. He gave me a thumbs up while Willow was jumping up and down. I'm glad this nightmare is now over! We departed and decided to head back to the house. Trunks and Willow told me that I needed more rest. I didn't argue for a second, so I went straight to bed.

"Willow, let's go." Trunks said.

"Okay! She'll be very happy!" She exclaims.

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