A Strange Bunch, They are the Ginyu Force!

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I told Vegeta to stay and not follow me after the first couple of times he told me he's coming. Immediately I used flew at high speeds to get there faster. There is a bunch of power levels close together, who could it be?! Once I arrived, I saw weird blue creatures attacking the house. What are these things?!

"Hey! Leave them alone, creeps!" I demanded.

They all looked at me with an evil grin. I felt two power-ups in the house. Trunks went to attack one as a Super Saiyan. Willow as well became a Super Saiyan and fought another one. I went towards the of the little devils and pulled them back until one blasted my back.

"Trunks! Do you know what these are?!" I asked, yelling.

"I don't think so! The others might know though!" He replies.

We all felt two two energies coming towards our direction. I told him no! Goku and Vegeta stood there in the air, shocked and puzzled. I wasn't going to ask. I went Super Saiyan 2. My family and I err having a bit of a struggle, but we managed. What is with their reactions? Can't they come out and at least help?!

"Why are these things back?!" Goku yells.

"They're supposed to be dead!" Vegeta adds.

Wait what?! Are these things zombies?! After I blasted one in the back, my head pains starts again. N-No! I-I forgot! I focused my mind and fought with it. Finally, all these weird creatures were dealt with. I fell on one knee, having Willow, Trunks, and Goku run up to me. What is going on here?! Don't tell me we're about to face some more trouble.

"King Kai wasn't lying then." Goku said.

"What? What did he tell you?" I asked, curiously.

"Well, he told me that some bad guys we defeated and killed in the past somehow came back to life. What you just fought were Cell Jrs, made from an Android named Cell. Trunks was a baby at that time. What we need to do now is find the rest." Goku explained.

This is bad. For them it would seem easy. But, I never met any of them. Since they were brought back to life, it won't be that bad, right? I mean, it's just them and a couple of now-weak villains. We all separated and flew to various areas to search for more. I looked at each location to find any suspicious activity, but none so far.

"Athena!" King Kai calls.


"You might face someone that you haven't met, but just by his name you'll remember." He warns.

"Frieza?! He's alive?!" I flipped out.

"No! Someone I don't think I-"

"Hey!" A voice interrupted.

I looked down and saw a group of aliens and one person. I landed in front of them and raised an eyebrow. Excuse me? They were a colorful bunch, giving me both an uncomfortable and suspicious vibe.

"Uh, hello? I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked, confused.

The group did a weird dance and posed while saying each of their names. They introduced themselves as the Ginyu Force. Huh? What did I just witness just now? I sighed and shook my head in disappointment. What a bunch of idiots, they can't possibly be the revived lot.

"You guys are lame...now I gotta go look for bad guys so bye weirdos!" I told the group.

I went to take off until the red one shot a beam at me, not allowing me to leave. I guess they are a bit of trouble...so these guys better give me a good fight. I turned around in the air and crossed my arms in annoyance. One day, I ask for one day of peace.

"We escaped our island just to fight you, damn it! Don't worry, we won't kill you. We're simply going to knock your little self out and take you to Lord Babidi." the tiny one said.

Don't worry, I won't have to worry about being killed at all knowing you guys are my opponent... I clutched my stomach, laughing hard. But that was hilarious! The leader shot a blast at me, but I hit it out of the way finishing my last laugh.

"Sorry boys, I'm not going anywhere. How about I kill you here and now? Sounds good?" I told them.

I disappeared and reappeared behind the little guy, I think his name was Guldo, and killed him in an instant. Learn next time, will ya? The group jumped back and were shook at my speed and the instant death of their comrade.

"No! Not again!" Captain Ginyu yelled.

Again? So this group died and are alive somehow. Something tells me its just more than these guys and the Cell Jrs. I went back to my spot with a smirk. This will be too easy. I spread my legs a bit and bent my knees, ushering them for a fight.

"Look, if you guys make me move out of this very spot, I'll go with you willingly." I told them.

The rest of the gang went to attack me. They were crazy weak, I didn't even have to use any energy blasts. I started to have fun and jump on their heads, laughing. Man, this is just sad. They were scrambling together, one by one each member tried to attack me.

"Are you guys kidding me? This is pathetic. I think I'm just gonna just kill you now, it'll be way easier." I said.

I began to float higher until Captain Ginyu yelled "switch". I looked back, seeing a bright light hit me. What the-?! All I could see was black until I opened my eyes. I looked around, waiting for my vision to adjust but all I saw was blur. My glasses! I can't see! I groaned and collected myself.

"Um, what happened? I think I should be dead or at least somewhat wounded." I questioned.

"Good thinking, boss! Taking her body was much easier!" Jeice complimented.

"Thanks. Now, to knock her down!" Captain Ginyu says, admiring his new body.

Wait! If he's in my body, that means... I looked at myself in a new figure. The leader beats my form up and yells "switch" again. Once I was back into my original self, I fell on both knees. The Senzu Beans. Please tell me I have extras! I searched for one and luckily I did. I ate the healing bean, stood back up and went Super Saiyan.

"Nice trick, I'll give you that, but it won't happen again!" I told them, yelling the last part.

An energy came to where I was. Willow landed next to me, excited. She tugged on my shirt, completely ignoring the situation that is going on.

"Mom! I found something!" She told me.

"Let's beat these guys and then you can show me, ok?" I told her.

Willow nodded, going Super Saiyan herself. The two of us then went to defeat the Ginyu Force for good. After a while, they all pulled together all weak and beaten up. You're all pathetic, go back to Hell where you belong!

"Don't even think about coming back here again!" We both yelled in unison.

The two of us yelled and did a Mother-Daughter Kamehameha at the weak team and won the fight. My child powers down and tackled my body into a hug, happy she had her first official fight. I remember that feeling.

"We did it!" Willow exclaims.

"Yep. Now what was it you wanted to show me?" I reminded her.

"Oh! Northeast of this island a couple of miles out, there is a lot of energy. I tried to investigate it but Uncle Goku saw me and wanted me to fight some remaining Cell Jrs. I found your energy spark so I rushed to tell you before I went back." She informs.

I thank her for the assistance and flew towards my new destination as she flies back to Goku. Okay, let's deal with this crap so there won't be any more huge messes. Kami knows what'll happen next, so let's avoid everything possible.

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