Enter, Majin Athena!

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"I said shut the hell up and leave me alone!" I yelled.

"Stay down, damnit!" Raion commands.

Him and Raditz hold me down while I try struggling to get up. A little bit of my energy is back but I'm still weak. Why was I struggling? To send them flying and get near the energies I'm sensing coming closer. Babidi announces that in about two minutes, his little orb will be full. I started to shake in fear. Please hurry! I don't have enough strength!

"Mom!" I heard.

I looked towards the sky and see Willow and the gang flying closer. The last of the Cell Jrs went to attack them. Raion stomps on my leg and then took off, leaving me in pain. Raditz looked towards the group, smirking at Goku. My brother's reaction was never changing from his serious expression, tightening his fists at our evil sibling.

"Aren't you glad to see the family together, Kakarot?" Raditz asks.

"Let Athena go!" Trunks demands.

He takes off towards my direction but got stopped by Raion. Goku shook a bit but started helping Vegeta finish the Cell Jrs. Willow helps her father with Raion. I have to help! I can't just sit here while everyone is fighting for me! I struggle to move, by my new injured leg wouldn't let me.

"I refuse for you to make a puppet out of another Saiyan warrior!" Yells Vegeta.

So this has happened before?! I finally landed a punch to Raditz's face and tried to get up. I speed-walked to the gang but fell thanks to my leg. Babidi announces that he has all the energy his ball needed, so he then began the process. I made my mind ready to fight. But once the pain came, it was hard to overcome it. I gripped my head and screamed in agonizing pain.

"Athena, no!" Goku yells.

He throws a Cell Jr and runs to my side, but having our older brother stop him. Trunks and Willow run to me and held onto my arms, telling me to fight it. Vegeta is witnessing the whole thing, remembering the time this happened to him. I never get so much pain than death! I'd rather die again than go through this!

"Athena, please fight it!" Trunks begs.

"Mom c'mon! You're strong!" Willow adds

"V-Vegeta, G-Goku, Trunks, W-Willow. I-I can't handle th-this." I tried to speak.

I then went Super Saiyan and my body began to float. Little red auras blasted out of my body. My screams have gotten louder. Trunks flew up to me, but my aura blasted him back. My eyes were growing dark slowly and my body built up a little more muscle.

"Fight it!" Goku tells me.

"It's done!" Babidi announces.

"Finally." Both Raditz and Raion said.

My body fell to the ground, but I caught myself on both hands and knees. I slowly stood up and opened my eyes. The Majin symbol was placed in the middle of my forehead with dark rings around my eyes. I looked at my body and felt my strange new energy.

"Oh no..." Goku said, lowly.

"Damn it." Vegeta curses.

"Mom! No!" Willow cries.

"What have you done to her?!" Trunks yells, demanding.

Raditz smirks and wraps an arm around my shoulders, though I elbowed his chest. I eyed my older brother and then blankly stared at the group. Each had a horrified look. I smirked and teleported with great speed behind Goku and punched his back. He fell forward and looked back.

"You monster. You've token over my sister." Goku said.

"Now for the second part of the plan. Either I allow her to kill Vegeta first then the rest of you or just release all of Hell now. Wonder which is best? What do you think, Raditz? Raion?" Babidi tells.

"Kill them but I join in." Raion responds.

"Release all of hell so we won't be stopped." Raditz answers.

"Let's see...who volunteers to fight the female first? Just to see her new power and to know you won't stop us." Babidi asks.

He guides his finger along the gang and lands on Vegeta first. He does a dark chuckle, the prince tightens his fist in a deep rage. I observed his expression, it was quite amusing.

"You would be more fun to toy with after the last time." Babidi says.

So you then? He then points to Goku. My brother looked the more pissed out of the whole group. He hasn't token his eyes off me, wondering if what is happening is just a living nightmare.

"A fight between siblings. Doesn't that seem fun?" Babidi adds.

Then towards Willow. My daughter was shaking in her boots, didn't know how to process the situation. Hot tears formed in her eyes, refusing them to fall.

"Mother and daughter would be exciting. But we all know she would refuse, right?" Babidi says.

Then lastly on Trunks. He gave off a dirty look and is just waiting to fight him. The olive-colored man chuckled louder, instigating my husband.

"Ah you. Husband and Wife. But the thought of that must pain you dearly. Let's have that! Athena, fight the boy!" Babidi commands.

I gave him a look and then one at Trunks. I balled my fist and clenched my teeth. I felt a burning sensation in my stomach, I took a step forward towards the Briefs member. He held his hands up as if he were surrendering.

"Athena, don't do it, please. It's me, Trunks! I know you're still in there. Try your hardest to fight through it." Trunks tells me.

"Shut up." I told him.

I looked down at Babidi with no expression.

"I still have low energy. I will need to recharge so that I may have enough to fight them all, knowing each has high levels." I told him.

"You listen to me! You will-"

I aimed my hand towards him and slowly charged up an energy ball. He shook there in a bit of fear. I grew a mischievous smirk and neared my hand into his face, he was on the ground and kept backing away before he had contact with it. How amusing.

"You may be the boss but whatever I say, it shall go. I have low energy, let me recharge. If allowed, I can spar with both Raditz and Raion to gain my strength at a higher level. I'm not afraid to kill you." I told him.

Babidi allows it. They took off to another location. I stood back for a couple of seconds. Just hope that those two fools won't die so easily, it'll be a pain if there was an easy fight. I heard the ground behind me make a sound, as if someone is taking a step towards me.


"You may be my brother, but I have an order to kill all of you. That will be the only thing I shall follow." I told Goku.

I gave them one last glance. When I looked at Trunks, my cheeks went a tiny shade of red and then I blasted off. Guess I'm not fully taken over yet, no matter.

"She's still there. I know it." Trunks said.

Majin Nightmare [COMPLETED] *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now