Trunks vs Athena, The Female's Final Decision

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We stared at each other for a while. I feel guilty that I have to fight her but I really couldn't think of anything else. I really don't want to hurt you...

"Scared of fighting me? I can see it just by the shaking of your legs and your twitching fingers." She asked, chuckling.

"I don't have a choice." I responded.

From the corner of my eye I saw Willow shaking in fear. I'm sorry you have to witness this. When I looked forward, Athena was right at my face with her hand on my chest, smirking. She lightly pushed it, but applied a lot of pressure. I was moved back but not too far.

"Trunks! If you can't fight her, let me go in!" Goku tells me.

"I'll fight you next once I finish him off, Goku." Athena told him.

I grabbed her arm and twisted it to her back. I heard a snap sound. Crap! Did I dislocate something?! She screams in pain and aims her free hand at me, charging up her Ki. Athena smirks and blasts me. I let her go and wiped my face. She popped back in her bone and tilted her head to the side slightly, smiling. It didn't look innocent.

"You can do better than that, right?" She tells me.

"Final Flash!" I yelled.

I launched it towards her, she uses a Kamehameha. The two of us clashed. The ground beneath us shook, some even began to crack. C'mon Shin, hurry! Athena yelled louder and adding more energy, the wave comes closer towards me. I started to panic a little, but increased my pressure. Everyone backed up, the light was bright so they were trying to see who was winning. After a while, one of us went down.

"I'm going easy on you yet you can't even land a bruise. Pathetic." She told me.

"Well, it isn't an easy one knowing that I'm fighting my wife." I muttered.

I teleport behind her and blasted her back, managing to rip the back of her Gi and cause a little bit of blood. She fell forwards, pissed. Athena stood up and rapidly punch my chest. She then lands a kick and releases mini attacks. I laid there on the ground, breathing heavily. She started to laugh.

"Now that he's done, it's time for everyone else to die!" Athena yells.

She went Super Saiyan 3 and was ready to make another kamehameha wave. She looked at everyone's face, shocked and a few scared. She landed her gaze on Willow. Her face then turned concerned, then she looked at me with more concern. Finally, at Goku. She let go of the energy in her palms and covered her face.

"Why...why can't I hurt you?! Why couldn't I use my full power on the boy?! I can't fight you for some reason! Gah! Why?!" She yelled at herself.

She fell on both knees and gripped her head, screaming. Raditz ran up to her. Instead of comforting her like I expected, he grabbed her head and slammed Athena on the ground. My wife stood up and gripped his armor. She was crying out of one eye, gritting her teeth in anger. Raditz face didn't seem to change.

"Don't you ever touch me! You'll die first! So long, brother!" she yelled.

On the spot she killed her older brother. Babidi kept ranting on how Athena got rid of Raditz. Immediately she started chuckling, grabbed him by his front collar, and threw him high in the air. Is she going to kill him as well?!

"I don't need him, nor you! You're next! I don't need a master!" she tells him.

Then she kills Lord Babidi. Athena caught the orb and held it tight, no expression was shown on her face. She was breathing heavily. She kept looking at the orb, it was lightly glowing. Athena then turned around to face us, she gave us a stern look.

"Mom..." Willow spoke, shaking.

"I want a good fight the next time we see each other. You better use your real strength that you're hiding, Trunks. I won't hesitate to go Goddess. I can't wait to fight all of you. Even though Lord Babidi isn't alive, I still have an order that I wish to complete. I expect an exciting battle. Though I doubt because it seems everyone decides to hold back on me. I will control myself from hesitating an attack on all of you, especially the ones I supposedly care for. That Athena won't return, I am far more stronger. Good-bye and get to training. Don't think I won't go blue." Athena tells us, smirking.

She then flew away with the orb in her hands, leaving us stranded and tired. I fell down and comforted Willow, checking her burnt eye. It stung her every time I lightly touched it. All of us were confused on what to do now.

"She expects a real fight. What do we do now? We can't wait for the Supreme Kai to finish, it'll take a while." Krillin questions.

"We'll give her a fight. A real one. She can go blue on me and Vegeta since we're is equally strong. Trunks needs to get more stronger because I know she'll want to attack him as well. If we encounter her, we'll see what'll happen." Goku responds.

We nodded and went home, though me and Willow went to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to train and get stronger. She tugs on my arm roughly and impatiently. Just like her mother.

"Dad, I need help, I wanna get stronger. I-I wanna become a Super Saiyan 2!" Willow tells me.

"Tomorrow you will be training with Goku then your grandfather to reach that level, I promise. Now, let's start our training. Your mother is very strong so we need to give her everything we got." I told her.

She nodded with a small smile. Willow put her hair up in a pony-tail and had one side of her bangs cover the burnt side of her face. It didn't reach far but she didn't care. Willow was determined to get stronger.

"I'll fight mom as well." she whispers to herself.

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