Chapter One

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(Tris hasn't kissed Tobias when she got 1st place at the end of initiation)

I got first place. I beat Peter. The cheers and claps grow louder as they witness the scene in front of me. Christina and Will kissing, a little sloppy for my taste. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I turn around. Tobias stands by me with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations." I pull him into a hug and squeeze, careful not to show much affection. I peel back and look at him. I step on my tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. 

"Maybe later," I whisper. I sit back down in my seat and look at Christina. She stares at me like she's seen a ghost.


"You hugged Four and it wasn't a quick little hug, it was a long cute hug." I roll my eyes.

"I only hugged him because he helped me through initiation. It meant nothing." That lie is half right. Uriah jumps into the seat in front of me.

"Hey you guys want to come to a party Zeke's throwing?" We agreed to come at 8 o'clock tonight. I go back to the doors and fall on my bed. The final test and scores must've really tired me out more than I realized, because the second my face hits the pillow I fall asleep.


I wake up to Christina shaking my shoulder. I blink the sleep away from my eyes and check my watch. 7:58. Crap! I stand up and and slip on my boots. Christina, Will, and I all walk to Zeke's apartment. The door is unlocked so we walk in. The smell of alcohol and sweat fills the air, causing my eyes to water. I find Tobias at the corner of the room talking to Zeke with a beer in his hand.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey Tris, wanna play Truth or Dare: Dauntless Style?" Zeke asks.

"Yeah sure." I glance at Tobias and follow Zeke to the middle of the room.

"Party's over everyone leave. Except for you, you, you, you, you, you, you and you," he says pointing to Tobias, Uriah, Lynn, Marlene, Shauna, Christina, Will, and I. We sit in a circle and cross our legs. I sit in between Christina and Will.

"So how do we play?" I question.

"We all ask each other truth or dare and if we don't do it we take off a piece of clothing," Uriah chimes in. I nod and ready myself.

"Four, Truth or Dare?" Zeke says.

"Dare," he answers.

"I dare you to kiss the person you would go on a date with." Tobias's eyes flick to mine and he walks to me. I stand up and kiss him. After a second he kisses me back. We kiss until I hear a exaggerated cough. I pull back and feel my cheeks heat up. I look down at my shoes and blush. I go to sit back in my spot, but a hand clamps on my wrist. I turn around and see Tobias grabbing my wrist.

"Where are you going?" he teases. He arched one of his eyebrows. I chuckle and follow him to his spot. I sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around my waist. Everyone stares at us in awe.
I laugh and wave my hand in the air "Hello anyone there?" They all wake up from their "daze" and resume the game.

"Tris, truth or dare?" Uriah asks.

"Okay I dare you to chug three beers."

"Fine." He hands me three bottles of beer and I open the cap. I tip the bottle to my lips and drink it. At first it burns my throat, but then it relaxes me and I continue to drink the other two. Once I'm done I wave the a bottle in the air.

"Yeahh!" I slur, "Dauntless rules!!" I laugh hysterically and fall to the floor.

Everyone else laughs to.

"Okay no more for you Tris," Will says.

"What? Think I can't handle it?"

"No. I know you can't handle it."

"Whatever." I lay on the ground and sprawl my arms and legs out.

"Uriah, truth or dare?" asks Will.


"I dare you to moon everyone at Erudite headquarters." 

"Okay." Uriah takes a long sip of his beer and runs out. We all follow him to the train. It comes just in time and I hop on. I jump in and fall on my back. I laugh and stand up. The world is fuzzy and streaky. Lynn takes out a flask and has a sip. She passes it to Marlene who drinks it and gives it to Zeke. He gives it to Shauna and She gives it to Uriah. He sips and gives it to Will. He takes it and gives it to Christina. She drinks it and hands it to Tobias. He sips and gives it to me. I drink it and it makes me feel giggly and silly. I begin to hiccup all over the place. Once we get to Erudite headquarters, we jump off. I fall on the ground and hiccup again. I get the flask again and take a big gulp. I give it back to Lynn and she drinks it all. We hide in the bushes and wait for the right time. Uriah jumps up runs inside, we join.

"Hey noses!" we all yell. Uriah pulls his pants down and shows his bunda-donka-donk. We all laugh hard, mostly because we're almost drunk. In my case I am drunk, a lot drunk. I fall to the floor and laugh and hiccup.

"Beatrice?" someone familiar asks.

I stand up and sway in place.

"Heyy Caleb! Long time, no seeeee!" I laugh and hiccup.

"Are you drunk?"

"Maybe, maybe nottt!" I laugh and hiccup twice. "You aren't supposed to see me like thiss."

"Like what? Drunk?" he retorts.

"No. Real, I guess." Where have I heard that from? Someone calls my name and I look over my shoulder. Tobias waits for me by the door.

"Well see you laterr *hiccup* Calebb." I laugh and walk, more like sway side to side, to the door. I almost fall, but I catch myself. Once I get to the door, Tobias heaves me over his shoulder. I squeal and laugh. I hiccup five times in a row. The train comes on cue and Tobias jumps in with over his shoulder. He puts me down and I look into his fuzzy eyes. I kiss him sloppily.
"Heyy Four!! Know what time it issss?"
He chuckles." I don't know what?"
"Bedtime." And with that, I pass out and the train floor.

WRITTEN BY: Mrs_Brenden_Urie
EDITED BY: dakotah1212 

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