Chapter Eleven

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(The song for this chapter is Wolves by Selena Gomez Ft. Marshmallow)


"Tris, it's a horse. The worst it can do is poop on you." Tobias deadpans. I huff.

Currently our team is at the animal barn. Johanna gave each team a activity to do. Ours is horseback riding.

I hate it. It smells nasty, I have to wear a dumb outfit that makes me look like an idiot, and I stepped in something squishy.

I'm having a great time.

"Tris just go!" Lynn yells, covered in hay.

She had to help a sheep give birth. For once I feel sorry for her.

The miracle of life is disgusting.

I sigh, swallow any pride I have left and mount on the horse. The animal neighs and throws it's head back. I grab the reins and tell it to go.

It doesn't.

"Move!" I scream. The animal stays right where it is, ignoring my protests.

I sigh and lean back, dropping the reins and giving up.

"Beatrice, you have to be nice to it. Harry doesn't like mean people." A voice says.

I know that voice. I heard it every time Caleb and I walked home.


"Robert!" I say in excitement.

"Beatrice." He says looking at my hair and my tattoos." You've changed."

I nod." I have."

"Do you happen to know where Caleb is? I want to see him."

"Me and Caleb aren't on the best terms right now, so I don't really know where he is." The sadness is evident in my voice.

"Well thanks anyway. Nice seeing you Beatrice!" Robert pats the horse on the butt twice and it freaks.

I scream as Harry sprints off into the field.

"AAHHHH!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I look behind me and Tobias and Will are chasing after the horse.

Both me and Harry go racing through grass and bales of hay. Suddenly, a giant hale of hay stands in our way and Harry throws me off and I go flying in the air. I land in a heap of grass and hay.

"Tris, are you okay?" Tobias asks.

"Just peachy." I deadpan as I pick a piece of hay out of my hair.

Will extends his hand and I take it. I stand up, brush off the dirt on my butt taking the helmet off.

"When's dinner?" I ask desperately.

"I'm about," Will checks his watch," a half hour."

Frustrated, I throw the helmet in the field and it lands with a thud.

"What's next?"

"Um," Uri pulls out a sheet of paper,"next is 'giving the cows an enema,'" his voice goes up at the end of the sentence like a question.

"Yeah, I'm not doing that." I reply flatly. "Now I'm going to shower away my dignity while you guys help the cows."

I begin to walk to the cabins and Tobias trails behind me. There's a troubled look on his face. He looks distracted.

"What's up?" I ask.

"What?" He responds, confused.

"You look like when we asked Uriah what Pi was. What's up?" I clarify.

He sighs deeply and clears his throat."It's been two days. Two days and I haven't seen him. I just wish he would just show up now so I could get t over with." He looks up at me with pained eyes.

"You're talking about Marcus?"
He nods.

"Well, if he decides to man up and talk to you, I'll be right by your side. And so will your friends." My voice is soft, like my mother's. I feel a pang of sadness but I let it go as I reach the cabin door.

I take a shower and put on a red sheer shirt with a tank top under it, with yellow skinny jeans. I also slip on a pair of flats.

I check my watch, time for dinner. I walk over to the giant glass dome with the tree sticking out of the top. After grabbing a tray, letting a Amity drop food on my plate, I sit next to Tobias. He conveniently sat a table alone. I scoot closer to him on the picnic style bench. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

I'm about to pick up my fork when a person sits across from us. Tobias tenses and his hand squeezes my mind a little hard. I finally look up and my hitches in my throat.

The person, who is a man, sits with such vigor he makes Eric seem illiterate. As I meet his eyes, I see the black pits I once saw in Tobias's landscape.

"Well, are you going to keep on staring?" The man asks with a slight annoyance in his voice.

After I swallow and take a deep breath I finally get the courage to say something.m

"What do you want Marcus?"

Careful what you wish for Tobias...

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