Chapter Three

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"Tris!" someone said while banging on the door. I rolled out of bed, literally. I look like a human burrito wrapped in black comforter. I waddle into the living room. I unlock and open the door. Tobias just stands there.

"What do you want?" I grumble.

"Your meeting starts in," he says reading his watch, "10 minutes."


I sling off my blanket, and head to the shower. Taking only 3 minutes, I put on a black spaghetti strap tank top, black pants and my combat boots. I brush my hair, and tie it up in a ponytail. I run out of my apartment and to the cafeteria. I wait in line impatiently, and grab a muffin. Saying goodbye to all my friends, I sprint to the train. I catch it just in time, and I finish my muffin. Max and some other ambassadors tell me that we're heading to Abnegation because there's a faction festival starting soon and we need to work out the details. Once I see the Abnegation sector I stand up and brush my pants. I jump off and walk along the stone path to the building. By the time we get there, Jeanine Matthews, Johanna Reyes, Jack Kang, and Marcus, are all sitting and waiting impatiently for us.

"It's okay. We're always late," whispers Max in my ear. I nod and sit by him.

"Alright. Now that Dauntless is here, we need to talk about the Festival of Factions," says Jack Kang," Jeanine, could we please have your input."

"I think that since most of the factions have completed their initiation, that the festival should start in 2 weeks. Also the faction should provide residency for the guests." Jeanine explains.

"I think that's an excellent idea Jeanine. We also should provide clothes and daily activities for the guests. How long will this last and which days will each faction present?" Says Johanna.

"It should last about a week," speaks up Marcus," As far as which days, I think Candor should go first, then Erudite, Amity, Dauntless, and Abnegation."

"Can I say something?" I ask looking around. "I think there should be a vague initiation trial, so future transfers will know what they're getting into before it's too late."

Everyone nods and agrees that the festival will be in 2 weeks and that each faction will have things to participate in so transfers can see what each faction is like. We leave and head back to the Dauntless compound. I jump into the net and into the dining hall I go. After getting my food I sit by Tobias.

"What'd I miss?"(Hamilton reference) I ask.

"Tris!" Yells Uriah." I can do butt flexes! Watch!"

I look around the table and they also look disgusted.

"Just let him do what he wants to do." Zeke concedes.

Uriah jumps on the table and pulls his pants down, basically mooning us. I look away because I can't stomach that. After he's done he hops down and acts like nothing happened. Lynn, who was right behind Uriah during his moment, looks horrified. She lets out a little whimper and faints. Shauna stands up and throws Lynn over her shoulder, then leaves.

"So before we were interrupted, what happened while I was gone?" I ask once again.

"Well we all went to work and then we heard a little rumor that there's this festival happening soon" Says Tobias.

"Hmm. Really? I don't know about any festival. Must be fake." I lie.

"You're lying!" Christina screams." You keep biting your cheek!" Dang it!

"No I'm not."

"There's only one way to truly know." Tobias gets up and throws me over his shoulder and runs out. I scream and laugh at the same time. He runs to the next and flings me onto it. Tobias jumps on me and tickles the living daylights out of little ole me.

"Fine! Fine. I'll tell you!" I spit out. I heave a sigh and get me heat rate back to normal.

"The factions are having this festive in 2 weeks and we're all invited."

"That was really anticlimactic. I thought it was some faction party, only the rich could go to." He says lying next to me on the net.

"Well you thought wrong."

"I know one thing I didn't think wrong." He says.

"And what is that?" I ask.

"My feelings about you."

"And what feelings are those?" I feel a smirk on my lips.

"That you're the one for me. And I'll never let you go."

"What if I get lost?"

"No matter where you are, a Thousand miles or a two thousand steps, I will always find you."

I could say the same too, Tobias. I press my lips to his. Drowning the rest of the world and leaving us on the surface. Our lips move on the same level, synchronizing. Tobias' hand caresses my cheek and my arms slip around his neck.


We break and see Uriah standing by the net. We both groan and slump
back down.

"Party at my place guys!" Uriah excites.

"Again? Uriah we had one yesterday."  I ask.

"Well having one again. My place. Ten minutes." He just leaves.

"Well we're never getting out of this. Might as well go." Says Tobias.

"Fine." I grab his hand and intwine my fingers in his.

Ah another update. Also do you guys the festival thing? I read a fanfic like that and liked the idea.

QOOTD- What's your favorite Uriah moment?

AOOTD- When Uriah accidentally shoots himself with the paintball gun.



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