Chapter Fourteen

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"We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage it takes to stand up for one another. You may think of us as reckless or dangerous and you're right. But, here, we're a family. We look out for one another and fight with one another. This is our compound and you're standing in our territory. Today, you're Dauntless," Max finishes his welcoming speech in The Pit.

The Dauntless surrounding let out cheers and cries. Some of the Amity and Abnegation look flustered, this causes me to laugh a bit. Tobias's hand slips into mine and I turn to him.

"So are we gonna pee on everything like dogs or are just gonna let it slide? I mean, this is our territory after all and I don't want any cats pooping everywhere like it's their litter box." I joke.

Tobias looks at me for a second before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him. "I think you ate too much Amity bread and/or you've been hanging out with Uriah just a little bit too much that it's alarming." He says in a matter of fact voice.

I laugh and look into his deep blue eyes. The same eyes I could get lost in, the ones that I do get lost in. In no time we're stepping through the doors of the dining hall. It packed full with all the different factions. Tobias and I sit at our usual table but this time our families sit in the otherwise empty seats.

I see Christina's family seated by her, along with Will and his clan of family all dresses in blue. I grab a plate and place a piece of steak, a spoonful of mashed potatoes and a slice of chocolate cake- Dauntless style. Tobias does the same and hands me a glass of water. I peck his cheek and take a sip. Looking up, I spot my family standing uncomfortably in the dining hall. Raising my hand, I wave them over. At first they hesitate, but after giving them a look, they eventually shuffle over. I tap Tobias' shoulder and tell him to scoot down a couple seats. He now sits right next to Zeke and Uriah's mom, Hana. She gives me a warm smile to which he gives on back.

Once my family sits down and gets their food on the table, I take a look a look around the table and chuckle.

Tobias looks up from his plate, a smile inching its way on to his lips, "What?"

"Looking around. Who would've thought that Abnegation and Dauntless would be sitting down together, let alone having dinner? Or Erudite and Candor," my observation makes them look around and well, smiles on their faces too.

"I can say for a fact that I never thought that I would be sitting at the same table with a stiff. No offense, Tris," quips Uriah. I roll my eyes.

"None taken, Uriah."


After dinner, we all left to our apartments to sleep as the night inched on longer. I led Mom, Dad and Caleb to my flat. After unlocking the door and flicking on the lights, I lead them through the relatively small apartment.

"Mom, Dad you can have my room. Caleb can take the guest room. Blankets, pillows and all that are in the closet by the guest room. Use whatever you want," I say as I gather a few of my stuff. Pajamas, toothbrush, hair brush and few other toiletries.

"Wait," Caleb says as I reach for the door," where are you sleeping?"

"At Four's."

"Why," he questions.

I furrow my eyebrows, "would you rather I stay here?"

He looks at me with sad eyes. "Well, if this is the last night we'll ever sleep under the same roof together, then yeah. I want you stay."

My heart breaks at his words. I nod. "Okay, I'll just tell Four. Be right back."

I set down my stuff and walk out. Running my fingers through my hair, I make my way to Tobias' apartment. I give a quick knock on the door before he opens up.

"Hey, so change of plans, I'm sleeping at my place tonight."

Confusion sweeps over his face. "What happened?"

"Caleb wants us all together, you know as a family," I explain.

"Okay, I'll pick you up before breakfast," he says as he begins to close the door.

"Wait what," I place my foot in front the door, "you're coming with me Tobias. You're my family, too."

"Oh I just thought-"

"It doesn't matter." I reach out my hand. "Come on, Tobias."

He slips his hand into mine and gives a squeeze. He closes his door and we walk to mine hand in hand. When we arrive to my apartment, I place a couple of extra pillows on the couch. Tobias and I take turns changing in the bathroom. After brushing our teeth, we both lay on the couch. He lays with his back against the back of the couch and I lay in the space in front of him. He wraps his arms around mine and I pull the blanket closer to us. He gives my temple a kiss before reaching over and turning the lamp off.

"Goodnight, Tris." His voice rumbles.

"Goodnight, Tobias."

And as my eyes flutter shut and sleep takes over me, I only feel one thing; contentment.

A/N well it has certainly been a while, hasn't it. I've been really busy and lazy, so sorry for the lack of updates. I started high school and I already hate it. Yeet. How's your day been?

QOTD: What movie are you most excited for?

AOTD: Captain Marvel and Avengers 4.
(I'm marvel trash)

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