Chapter Eight

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I yawn and lay my head on Tobias's chest. The Dauntless leaders woke up the whole compound at 2 am to get us ready for the festival. We all sit in the cafeteria, waiting the next instructions. My knee has gotten better, although sometimes it still hurts.

"Okay, everyone there's coffee in the breakfast line and we will be passing around backpacks for you to put your stuff in. After that you'll have 15 minutes to get whatever you think is necessary. We will meet here in an hour." Max yells over us. As soon as he said coffee we all jump for our cup. After grabbing my cup of coffee, I get a backpack and go to my apartment. I grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, my brush, clothes, a pair of sneakers, my gun, my knife, and my keys. I slug the strap up over my shoulder and lock the door. I put the gun in the waistline of my pants, but you can see it because of my shirt. And my knife is strapped to my thigh. You can also see it.

Tobias comes out with his backpack. A black shirt hugs his muscles and his also black pants hug his... you know. I wear black leggings and a black crop top, that has a little hood.

We walk back to the cafeteria hand in hand, silently stealing coffee

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We walk back to the cafeteria hand in hand, silently stealing coffee. Once everybody gets back, Max comes in and we get quiet.

"Now that you're all packed, we're going to organize you into groups of ten. Don't even try to look for your friends, we've already paired you." He yells. Uriah gets handed a paper with his group on it and he screams like a little girl.

"Guys, guys, guys!" He screams to us. "You're all in my group! And I'm the leader." My face falls when I hear Uriah's the leader.

"Great. Now we're all gonna die." Mutters Lynn. I chuckle. We all sit down at our table. I sip on my coffee, waiting for us to be dismissed. Tobias wraps an arm around my shoulder and I lean into him. He rubs my upper arm up and down.

"I love you, you know." I say, looking up into his beautiful blue eyes. A smile stretches across his lips.

"I know."

"You're aren't going to say it back?"

"No. I'm gonna do this." He leans in and presses his lips to mine.

"OKAY PEOPLE! NO PDA! There are children around here." Chastises Uri.

"Uri, you're a child." I fire back with an annoyed look on my face. He mumbles something I can't hear.

After about an hour, Max and the other leaders gather us  in groups and we head out. Tobias and I walk hand in hand. Max said we can't use the train, I don't know why. It's starting to get cold, so pull up the hood on my crop top to keep me warm. I start to notice a grey cloud walking with the black cluster of Dauntless. Abnegation. I stop walking and nudge Tobias's arm. I point to the Abnegation and we both tense up. Since our group is in the middle of the pack of Dauntless, it's hard to see us. But it's not so hard to see Marcus, my mother and father walking at the front. I didn't realize I was staring until Tobias shakes my arm and turns me around, so I'm facing him.

"We're good. You and me, okay?" He says. I stare deep into his blue orbs. It's still dark, being that it's about 4 am, but the moonlight makes his eyes glow. Like stars.

"Okay." I smile. Uri comes and slaps me on the shoulder.

"Ow!" I yell.

"You're it, Tris." Uri says. I groan.

"Uriah, it's like." I check my watch. 4:44."it's not even 5am yet!"

"Are you saying you're a pansycake?" He says in a baby voice. I take a deep breath. I slap Tobias on the shoulder.
"You're it!"

I run away. My backpack bouncing up and down. I laugh, as I pass Christina and Will running away from Tobias. I forgot I had my coffee in my hand when I drop it.

"NO!" I scream. My coffee oozes out of the cup, turning the pavement brown.
"WHY?!" Everyone turns to see what I'm screaming at. Tobias comes to me and gathers me in his arms.

"I wasn't even finished yet." I mutter.

"Hey, Tris I have something even better." Uriah says. He then pulls out a dark bottle filled with beer. I snatch it out of his hand. I take the knife that was strapped to my thigh and pop the tap off. I take one long sip.

"Much better." I see Marlene with an apple.

"Hey, Mar can I shoot the apple of your head?" Her eyes light up.

"Yeah, go for it!" She exclaims.

I take the gun from my visible waistband and cock it. I aim it at the apple. As I'm about to fire someone stops me.

"Tris, wait!" Uriah yells. "One hand!" I nod my head and take one of my hands away. I place my finger on the trigger.

"Tris, wait!" I groan.

"What now?!"

"Eyes closed." I sigh. I turn away and place my empty hand over my eyes. Trusting that the gun isn't aimed at anything else but the apple.

"Beatrice, wait!" I groan again.

"WHAT NOW?!" My father walks up to me with a hard face,  my mother close behind him. Caleb jogs to us too. Great.

"What do you think you are doing? Shooting an apple off a poor girls head?!" My father chastises.

"Are you insane, Beatrice. This is not the Beatrice I know. What have the drunk junkies done to you. Where's is my sister, Beatrice?" Caleb begs. But I am quick to respond.

"Beatrice? She's dead. She died the minute I jump on that train." I snap." The Beatrice that you know, was coward. Just like you, Caleb. My name's Tris now, and she's not your sister anymore." I cock the gun quickly and fire. The bang echoes in the early fall air. The Abnegation screaming, but the Dauntless yelling in exertion. I never took my eyes off Caleb.

I put the safety on the gun and put in my bag. Turning around and jogging up to my friends you started to walk again. I put my arm around Tobias's back, pulling him close. He leans in and touches his lips to my ear.

"That's my first jumper."

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