5th Chapter - " Don't say no "

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The phone rangs and I wake up. I go to the bathroom, take a kick shower, brush my hair and get dressed. When I arrive to the kitchen I see a note.

Good morning,

        I ad to go to work early today but I will get home early. 



Well it seems like I'm all by myself.

I make some toasts and drink milk while I turned on the radio. The episode from yesterday stills fresh on my head. Harry, the blood, Niall, the panic, Harrys' sarcastic voice,... I just don't now if I should call Niall and ask if everything is okay.

Wait... I'm so stupid. I don't have Nialls' number. I mean, of course I don't, I don't even know him... well.

When I finished eating, I go to my room and see that I have three missed calls from a number that I don't know. The phone rings again from the same number and I answer.


Me - Yes?

xx - Yes, Lea?

Me - Yes, who's talking?

xx - Oh, right, sorry. It's Niall. / he smiles

Me - Niall?

Okay, how does Niall have my phone number? I'm shure that I didn't gave it to him. I just don't know anything anymore.

Niall - Sorry, I know that I'm bothering you, but I just wanted to say that everything is okay. Harry is fine.

Me - It is?

I'm glad he is, but. I just don't know why Niall called me to say that, I don't have nothing to do with him. I just found him.

Niall - Yeah. I just wanted to say sorry, if he was rude to you, he was really drunk.

Me - A little. / I say a little bit embaressed.

Niall - Don't worry about that.

Me - Okay. / I just didn't knew what to say I mean,... I was worried about him, I wish I could talk with him.

Niall - Well, that's all. Thanks, se ya at school.

Me - Sure. Bye.

This was the most awkard conversarion that I've ever had in my life. I just need some fresh air.

I pick up my wallet and get out of the house.

I walk for hours just seeing the city, of course I had no idea where I was going but, It felt good.

When I finally got tired and went back home, I realized that I was really lost. I just really need a map. I tried to ask people directions but I do not even knew the name of the street! I'm so stupid. I'm totally lost.

Whe I though that giving up was the better choice, I go against something.

Me - God!

xx - Sorry!

I look up and see Harrys' face.

Harry - Are you okay? / smiles

Me - Fine. You look better. / I say. He really looked really better! The scars were almost all gone! He was looking much better then yesterday.

Harry - Yeah. I really do fell better. / he smiles

Me - Good. / I though he was going to apologize about the way he talked to me. But I'm not that lucky. I know he won't apologize, so I'm not even gonna try.

Harry - Look. / he says when I'm trying to walk away.

Me - What?

Harry - Do you need help?

Me - What? / I say confused.

Harry - Well, it seems like you're lost.

What?? How does he know that I'm lost? I don't want his help. He didn't wanted mine, so I don't need his.

Me - No, I'm fine. I know where I'm going.

Harry - I don't think so. But that's fine. If you don't need help it's up to you. / he says

God!! He is so difficult! I just can't have a normal conversation with him, he is impossible. But he's right, I'm tottaly lost. But I'm not going to ask him for help, I'm not gonna let him win. I just hope it doesn't take to long because I have to be at home because of Brad... OMG! I loked to my clock, I was going to be late for the rehearsal of Bradleys' band!

Harry looks at me funny and says

Harry - Is everythong okay?

Me - Yes. Why would it not be? / I say. Probably I'm being stupid with him, but he deseves that.

Harry - What's wrong? You're not very nice today.

Me - You don't know me, you don't know if I'm nice.

Harry - Yes I do. You're upset with something, what?

Me - That's not of your business./ I really need to go home and end this conversation. I know that this may be stupid, but I'm thinking about asking Bradley to pick up me, I really don't want Harrys' help.

Harry - Look. You don't have to be rude, I just want to thank you okay?

What? He wants to thank me? This is not normal.

Me - Thank me?

Harry - Yeah, I know I was an idiot to you yesterday and you just wanted to help me.

Okay, I'm surprised, I wasn't expecting this.

Me - You were rude.

Harry - I know, sorry. That wasn't me, believe it.

Me - I believe. / I don't know why I said that, but I believed in him, he wasn't well yesterday. That person wasn't him, I could see it in his eyes.

Harry - Know? Can I help you or you're gonna try to go home alone and get lost again?

Even with all of this, I don't want his help.

Me - No, it's okay. I'm gonna call Brad to pick me up. / I saw while I pick up my phone.

Harry - Brad... / he says angry.

Me - Yes. Why? / I just can't understand what's happening, he's angry about Brad piccking me up.

Harry - That's not necessary, I have a car, I can take you.

Me - You do? / whoa, he bough a new car already? He's quick.

Harry - Yeah, more or less.

Me - More or less?

Harry - Look, you don't have to call him okay? I'm here, I'll take you.

Me - No you won't. / he can't tell me what to do, I won't be going with him.

Harry - Yes you are! / he takes me in his arms and starts walking, probably to his car.

Me - Harry! Get off!

Harry - No! I'll take you home.

God!! He is complecated, I know that I can't get of his arms, he is to strong. I guess I'm gonna have to go with him. But he's so stupid by taking me like this.

We got up into a narrow street.

When he finally puts me on the ground, he looks at the end of the street and puls me against the wall...

Helloo :) what do yout think?? Did you liked it? Tell me if you did ;) Next chapter will be out soon :) xo Maffy

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