10th Chapter - " He never stops doing this "

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Why is Niall texting me at 10p.m?

I try to reach the phone that was on the table but it falls on the ground on the ground and when I was picking it up, I see a note.

When I open it I remember, it was the note that was signed as Harold.

The phone starts ringing again, but this time someone was calling me.

I pick up the phone and answer.


Niall - Lea?!!

Me - Yes, why are you calling me Niall?

Niall- Look, I'm sorry but I need your help.

Me - What do you mean?

Niall - Look. I'm with Harry, he's very bad. I found him on the street all covered in blood Lea!

What?!! He was fighting again. Why does he do this?! God!!

Me - What do I have to do with it?

Niall - I'm trying to get him out of the street, but I think he is senseless and all he does is calling your name.

Me - What? / Harry is calling my name? Why?

Niall - He says he needs you okay? Please help me. I don't know what to do Lea! He's always messing the things up but I think you can help him. He really likes you Lea, he needs you.

Harry likes me? That can't be possible, he's so mean to me. 

And what about me? Do I like him? Well, everytime I see him I feel like all my world changes. Those big green eyes are all I need to calm me down when I get mad at him. And sometimes with no reason. I always stay so angry when he's like this, when he fighs with other guys and stays like this. I believe that he can defends him self but... I don't like watching him like this. I want to help him, but he never lets me doing it. 

For the first time he wants my help, I believe he needs me. Nobody ever needed me so, I don't know why he needs me, but he needs and that's enough for me to help him. I don't care why he needs. I won't ask him why he was fighting, I will simply help him. I need to do that, I need to see him and be with him for him to be okay. So I will be okay.

Me - I'm coming Niall. Where are you?

Niall - We're on a street parallel to the 5 Avenue.

That street again. Why? What is wrong with that street?

I have to control myself. I will not ask him nothing about that, I don't want him to be angry. 

Niall - I don't know how to be more exact... I'm trying to see the streets name but...

Me - It's okay Niall. I know what's the street. I'm coming okay?

Niall - Thanks Lea.


I know where's the street. I just don't know how am I going to get there. I get dressed and get put of the house wothout my mom notices. If she finds out that I'm not at him she will freaked out. 

I tooked a cab and explainned the dirver where I wanted to go. It was difficult but when he finnaly understood he took me there.

I just can't stop about the image of Harry on the ground all covered in blood like the other time in school. I wish he could be quiet and not in the meddle of a figh or anything else.

Cab driver - We've arrived miss.

Me - Thank you. How much?

Cad driver - Don't worry about that it's on the house.

Me - No, I want to pay. Really.

Cad driver - It's not necessary. Now go, I can see you're in hurry.

Me - Thank you so much. Good night. / I wanted to pay, I don't feel righ not paying, but I'm really in hurry. I have to see Harry.

Cad driver - Good night miss.

Me - Good night.

I get off the cab and start walking through the street waitting to see Niall.

Finally I see him with someone lying on the ground covered with scams.

Harry - Lea! / he calls.

When I ear him calling my name my heart breaks. I could see by his tone voice he was all covered in pain. I run to him and sit by his side.

Niall - Lea! Thank you so much for coming.

Me - It's okay. I wanted to come. / I see and smile at Niall. He smiles back.

Niall - I need help to put him on the car.

Me - Sure.

I look to Harrys eyes and I see that they're covered in blood. He was drinking too.

He grabs my hand and looks at me.

Harry - Lea...

Me - I'm here. / I say.

Harry - You're here. / he says smlling.

Harry -  I'm so sorry Lea. / He says moaning.

Me -  Don't think abou that now okay? I'm fine.

Harry - I'm a dick.

Me - Well, I'm here to help you so. You've must done something good.

He smiles.

Me - Let's go.

Niall helps me  lifting him off the floor and together we take him to the car.

Niall goes to the drivers seat and I go with Harry on the back seats.

He starts driving.

Harry lays his head on my legs and hold my hand. He keeps moaning so much. I wish I coul help him with the pain.

Niall - I'm driving to our house. They're I can give him something for the pain and he can go to bed and rest.

Me - Sure. I go with you.

Harry - Lea...

Me - Yes. / I say worried.

Harry - We can't go home...

10th Chapter ;) hope ya all liked it! The next one will be out soon, please keep reding the fic and tell me what you tkink about it, I really want to know your opinion!

xo Maffy :)

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