13rd Chapter - " Always working "

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xx - Lea!!

I turn around and see Bradley. 

Thakn god! For a second, just for a second I though it was Harry.

Bradley - Hey!

Me - Hi, are you feeling better.

Bradley - Yes, tomorrow I'm going to school. I don't want to miss the final exams!

Me - Yeah, I know, I really need to study for that.

Bradley - I'm sorry by missing the dinner.

Me - Don't worry about that. You haven't lose much thing.

Bradley - Really?

Me - Yes! It was the most boring thing ever.

He laughs.

Bradley - Well, I'm gonna let you study, see you at school.

Me - Bye.

I get into the house and start doing my homework, lot's of homeworks.

When I finished study I went to my room and picked up my guitar.

An hour passed and my mom arrived home. 

Mom - Hello darling.

Me - Hi mom.

Mom - Is everything okay?

Me - Yeah, why?

Mom - Well, you don't seem very happy. What happened?

Me - Oh. That's nothing special, I'm only worried about my exams.

Mom - Don't worry sweety you will do great like always.

Me - Thank you.

My mother smiled.

Mom - Look sweety, I need to leave, again.

Me - Work again?

Mom - Yes. Look, I know that I've been spending much time out of house and that I leave you alone many times but I really need to focus on this job and you're already grown, you understand righ?

Me - Sure. Don't worry about me.

Mom - Thank you sweety. You have dinner on the fridge if you want to eat. I'll be back tomorrow morning before you go to school okay?

Me - Okay.

Mom - Bye sweety, sleep well. Don't forget to looked the door.

Me - Don't worry mom, bye. 

Mom - Bye darling.

I just hate when she does this! She arrives home tryes to talk with me just for 3 seconds and then tell me she's going to work again. But seriously, I prefer this then moving. If this is what she as to do for us to stay in New York, it doesn't matter.

I went to my room and looked at my phone. A text from a number that I don't know:

" Lea, I was dick, I don't espect you to forgive me but I don't want you to stay mad at me, I'm really sorry. Please say something,

Harry "

Good, this was the last thing I wanted to see. Does he really think that everything is going to be fine with just a message?

He is really wrong! I'm not gonna give him what he wants, he has no right to treat me like this.

And I really don't know how he has my number! It must be Niall, maybe they're together again. I hope so, I couldn't understand what happened for Niall to go away.

And don't even want to think about it beause I know no one is going to tell me anything about that so... It's better if I don't think about it.

I went to the bathroom and tooked a shower. Brusehd my hair, picked my pijama and went to my room.

When I was ready to go to bed. I see my phone shining, another message. Probably from Harry.

" I wanted to talk to you, if you don't write, I will have to make you speak. The window will help, I can't wait like this...

Harry "

Okay, I think I got some of that. I just hope he doesn't come here.

Sudently, I ear something crashing on the window...

13rd Chapter :) hope you all liked it, tell me what you think is going to happen next!

xo Maffy

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