8th Chapter

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My phone rings and I see a mesage from Bradley:

I didn't wanted 2 say that Lea, I'm really sorry :(

He's really worries about me. I know he was just trying to protect me.

I send him a message:

Don't worry Bradley, I know you're just trying to protect me and I'm very happy for that :)

I send the message but he doesn't  responds, maybe he's not with the phone now.

I end up falling asleep.

------------------- Morning -------------------------

When I wake up I take a shower and go to  the kitchen to eat my breakfast.

When I arrive to the kitchen I see a note on the table that says :

I went to work darling, have a nice day at school.


As always, she's never at home.

The bell rings and I went to the door. Was Bradley.

Me - Hi. / smile.

Bradley - Morning. Are you ready for school?

Me - Yeah. / I pick up my bag and shut the house door.

Bradley - I'm sorry about yesterday.

Me - Bradley, you've already said that 100 times. And I forgave on the first one.

Bradley - I know but,... I was worried, I was stupid, I don't have the right to tell that.

Me - Actually you have. / I smiles. / You're the one that cares about me, and I thank you for that.

Bradley - Really?!

Me - Yes. You're my best friend.

Bradley - And only.

Me - Yeah, but don't take away your pride. / I laugh.

Bradley - We can't be ebst friends. / he says with a serious face.

Me - Why? / I ask worried, he doesn't like me, I can't blame him,no one does. I've never had a friend my all life, it's normal.

Bradley - No, wait. I just sayd that because we don't have nicknames to call each other.

Me - Ohh.

Bradley - I'm sorry if I scared you. But you should've seen your face. / he laughs.

Me - Stupid. / I say laughing.

Bradley - So... What will I call you?... / he says toughful

Me - Can I help?

Bradley - Course not! That doesn't work that way, it has to be me.

Me - Okay, sorry, I'm new at this things. / I laugh.

Bradley - I will teach you, don't worry.

When we arrived school he went to his class and I went to mines.

I sat on the last row and wanted for the teacher, it was only me in the class.

Ten minutes later, a guy with esmerald eyes walks in into the room. Harry.

I try not to look at him, but he looks at me and I end up looking at him.

Harry - Hi. / smiles

Me - Hi.

Okay, the tension is obvious, I don't know what shoul I say.

Harry - Can I seat here? / he points to the sit next to me? / I don't want you to get cold because of me.

Me - What? / cold, I seriously don't understand.

Harry - Well, yesterday you told me that I was bipolar, well I'm good at geography and I know that's cold.

I can't take and I start laughing.

Harry - Good. I made you laugh. / he says happy. / But I'm really going to sit here.

Me - Sure. / I say trying not ot laugh.

Harry - What's this subject?

Me - You don't now wich class are you into?

Harry - Of course I now. History.

Me - Then why did you ask?

Professor - God morning class!

I haven't even noticed that while I was speaking with Harry the room was full.

Professor - I'm professor Martin and I will be your history teacher this semester.

Harry - Course you are. / he sayd almost whispering.

Me - What?

Harry - Of course he's gonna be our history teacher, he's the only history teacher in this school.

Me - Like, the whole school?

Harry - Yeah. This school is just not normal. Don't even try to understand. / he smiles.

Okay, I'm having a conversation with Harry and we're not screaming to each other, I think this is good. But I keep thinking what Bradley told me about him, and I can't forget too that he hurted him without any reason.

The teacher started speaking about the points that we have to analise for homework, but I really can't think in other thing besides Harry.

Finally, the bell rings.

Professor - Well, thanks for your time, see you on friday.

I got up from my seat and my books all caíram to the floor. When I was preparing myself to cathc them, Harry do it first.

Harry - I think you've droped something. / he smiles. I just can't resist to that smile, I can't look at him.

Me - Thanks. / I say and turn my back on him to leave the classroom.

Harry - What's wrong?

Me - What?

Harry - Well, minutes before you were smilling at me and now you're being cold with me.

Me - Well, that's what you do.

Harry - But I'm stupid, you're not.

Me - How do you know that?

Harry - Why are you mad?

I'm going to ask him, maybe I will be ending finding out the truth trough him, but really believe that's impossible. But I'm gonna try.

Me - What happened between you and Bradley?

Harry - What?

Me - You were fighing. Why?

Harry - That was a long time ago.

Me - What is your defincion of a long time ago?

Harry - About three days, maybe, I don't know! What you want?

Me - I want to know the truth.

Harry - Well, you can keep waitting.

He turns his back on me and leaves the classroom...

8th Chapter :) hope you guys like it, please keep reading the fic and tell me what you think. xo Maffy

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