23rd Chapter - " She knows I don't know... "

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I start crying.

Harry - Please don't cry Lea. I promise it will be okay.

Me - I just wanna go home.

Harry - Don't worry, I'm gonna talk with the doctor and then I take you home okay?

I say yes and then he leaves the room.

I get out of bed and start getting ready to go home. I just wanna leave that place. I need to think about this, about all this. 

I don't know exactly what " this " is but, it is something and I can't stop thinking about what it is.

Harry comes back and looks at me surprised.

Harry - Can you walk?

Me - Of course I can, I'm fine.

Harry - Okay. I've talked with the doctor, we can go home.

Me - That's all I want.

Harry - Come.

We leave the hospital and Harry takes me home. I just can't stop noticing that the car is new and that is living me uncomfortable.

Harry - What Lea? Is everything okay? / he asks worried.

Me - New car? / That's all I can saw.

Harry - Uhm... Yes.

I see that he doesn't want to talk about that so I only say:

Me - Okay.

No one talked until we get home.

He opens the house door for me and takes me to my room.

Me - Thank you Harry.

Harry - Don't have to thank me.

Me - Okay. / I just don't want to talk, I only need to put my ideas right on my head and take " this " out of my thoughts. And try to understand the concersation he had with the doctor. So many questions are leavong me sick!

Harry - Are you mad?

Me - No, I' fine.

Harry - Did your mother called you?

Me - No... I wasn't expecting her to call so... no big deal.

Harry - Don't say that Lea, I know you really like her...

Me - WHAT do you want me to do Harry? She acts like she doesn't has a daughter so I will act like I don't have a mother.

My mother doesn't care a thing about me, I have to accept that. Even if don't want to. i would love to have a real mother that cares about me. Another dream. A dream is never the reality and never will be.

Harry - Don't say that.

Me . You don't know her Harry. You have no idea how she is.

Harry - Yeah but... I'm sure she has an explanacion.

Me - Please Harry. I just got home from the hospital and she don't care. Nobody cares, nobody ever did.

Harry - I don't care about your mother, in fact, I don't give a fuck about her okay? But I do care about you.

Me - I know you do, you stayed with me at the hospital.

Harry - Then please don't say that no one cares about you cause I do Lea!

I don't know what to say to him, I want hom to know that without him I would probably be dying, but I know he doesn't feel the same for me, he's just being nice. After all he did, I deserve that.

Harry - Why is it so hard for you to believe that I do care about you?

Me - It's not. / I lie.

Harry - Yes, it is. I know you better then that Lea, I know when you're lying.

Okay, this is one of my questions, I have to talk.

Me - That's other thing that makes me crazy.

Harry - What?

Me - How do you know all these things about me? I don't understand, I don't know nothing about you and we haven't meet before so... I don't understand.

He gets nervous and I see that he doesn't want to talk about this but I stay impressed with him when he says:

Harry - I want to know you, you have no idea how much I want to know you. I'll always be here for you Lea, please remember that.

Me - At the hospital... You and the...

Harry- I know you've listened the conversation I had with the doctor.

Me - You know?! / how does he know that.

Harry - Yes I know. I was expecting you to talk about that cause I wasn't one hundred percent sure, but now I am.

Me - Harry I...

Harry - Lea, it's okay, we were talking about you, you have the right to ear.

This gets me by surprised. He is being so nice to me. This is not normal!

Harry - The doctor believes that I shouldn't be near you.

Me - Why?

Harry - I know that doctor. He helped one time when some guys attacked me. He doesn't want you to get problems with them. But he can't understand that I'm no longer with them and that I've changed. When you have a past like mine people can't trust you anymore but the last thing I would do is hurt you or let anyone hurt you. I would prefer to die then let that happen Lea. I want you to never forget that okay? All the things I do is because I care about you and I only want what's best for you. I was a dick for you the first time we meet but that was just because I'm stupid and I don't deserv you. I've never did and I will never deserv.

When he ends up talking I can't stop thinking that he is trying to say more then one thing. I just can't stop beliving our probably dreaming that he feels the same thing that I feel for him.

 But I think this as another meaning. But I can also see that he really does care about me and that he is wprried about me. And that's enough for me. For know.

Me - I believe you Harry.

He smiles. He gets close to me and puts his arms around my waist.

Harry - I thought I could never saw your eyes like this when I saw you at the hospital. I was dying because of that.

I was about to tell him everything. I was about to tell him that I love him and that he is the only one in my life that's important for me but...

23rd Chapter!! Hope ya all liked it! Please tell your opinion, I don't know if it's good and I would like to know if you're still reading and if you're enjoying. 

Xo Maffy

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