7th Chapter - " A friend "

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I get into the car and Brad starts driving from that place.


I just can't understand, what happened between me and Harry, I mean... I meet him three days ago and it feels like I've known him for years because I really do care about him, But I just guess that it doesn't matters to him. I wish I could know the truth about what happened to him, but I know that he won't tell me.

" You think that you know everything, but you don't!! You don't know what I want, you don't know who I am." I still remember so well this words that he said. I wish I could know him, but that's difficult when he's always pushing me away. I just guess I should leave it and don't care about that.

Bradley - What happened? / he asks worried.

I almost forgot that I was in the car with Bradley, I have to thank him so much, he's not with his band because of me.

Me - I'm so sorry Bradley, I didn't wanted you to leave the bands' rehersal, but... I was lost and then Harry apered...

Bradley - Harry? Did he do something to you? / asks worried taking his eyes out of the road and looking at me.

Me - No! Of course not. Why are you asking that? You said he was a cool guy.

Bradley - I know. But I guess I wasn't right. As always.

He knows something that I don't, I want him to tell me, I need to try.

Me - Why are you telling that?

Bradley - Because he is bad Lea. Be carefull, he is not good, please don't be alone with him again.

Me - I didn't wanted to, I got lost and he found me. / I say embaressed.

Bradley - He followed you? / he says angry.

Me - No, Bradley. It was nothing like that, you don't have to worry.

Bradley - Then why did you call me?

That's a good question. Yes, I called him, but... I wasn't afraid of Harry, I know he will not hurt me, I mean... I know he is strange but, I believe that de won't do a nothing like that to me. I just don't know what to think.

Me - I'm sorry. I just... We just got angry to each other and his car was asalted and I didn't wanted to go home with him.

Bradley - His car what?

Me - Don't worry, the guys ran away before anything happened, and Harry pretected me, in some way.

Yes, he protected me. I mean, he told me to don't leave the wall but... I'm stupid, us always and I had to leave it. If I haven't did that he probably wouldn't get mad at me.

Bradley - Don't worry. It won't happen again.

He takes is sunglasses off, in fact I didn't noticed that he had his sunglasses on until know. I'm just out of this world right now.

When he tooks his sunglasses off I can see that his left eye is all black and swollen.

Me - Oh my god!! Bradley! What happened?!

Bradley - Nothing, it's fine.

Me - No, it's not. Look at you, that's pretty bad!

Bradley - Don't worry about that. / he says uncomfrotable.

Me - Bradley...

Bradley - Yeah...

Me - You know you can tell me anything right? You can trust me.

Bradley - Of couse I know Lea. It's not that, it's just that... I got into a faith and, the thing didn't went good. But don't worry, the other guy is much worse believe me.

WHAT?!! Brad got into a fight with someone?! This is just not him. What hapenned? He is not the kind of guy that fights with people.

Me - Why?? What happened?

Bradley - It was no big deal. The guy was drunk and completly out of his mind. He was nuts, and when Niall arrived...

He immediately stops talking and hopes that I didn't noticed the name of Niall.

Me - Nial??! Were you fighting with Niall?

Bradley - No, of course not. Niall helped me, he separrated us.

Me - He separrated you from who?

Bradley - That doesn't matter.

Why people don't answer my questions? No one does. I'm so done of it! I need answers god! I need to ear everything that happened. Who was the guy that were... Wait. Niall separred them, the other guy is worse, can't be... No!

Me - It was Harry, wasn't it?

He doesn't responds.

Me - You don't have to say nothing Bradley. I get okay. I'm not stupid.

Bradley - I don't want you to think that. I just don't want to scare you okay? Just please don't be with him, he's completely out of his mind.

Me - He was drunk. If he wasn't that wouldn't happen. I'm sure.

Bradley - You're sure? You don't even know him Lea! Don't be NAIVE!

He is right, but it hurts to ear.

Bradley - I'm sorry, I didn't...

Me - I know, it's okay.

I noticed that the car stopped and we were home.

Me - Thanks for everything Brad.

Bradley - You don't have to thank me. Sorry Lea, I'm serious, I...

Me - It's okay, really. I gotta go, thanks again.

Bradley - Bye, sleep well.

Me - Thanks.

I got out of the car and opened the house door.

Mom - Lea! Where were you darling?!

Me - I'm sorry mom... / I have to say her something that won't get her nervous. I know!

Me - I was with Bradley and his band and we didn't noticed that was late.

Mom - Oh... It's okay. I like Bradley. He is a good boy.

Me - Yeah, I know. / Okay, the last thing I need is to have a conversation about boys with my mom!

Mom - Are you okay sweetie?

Me - Yes, I'm just tired. I'm going to sleep, I have classes tomorrow.

Mom - Do you want anything to eat?

Me - No, it's fine. Good night.

Mom - Good night sweetie.

I arrived to my room, take a shower and get my pijama on. I lay on bed and start thinking abou all the things that happened on that day.

I just don't understand why Bradley shouted at me when I was talking about Harry. Something happened, and I just want to know what!! Is it to much to ask??

At least I know that I can count with Bradley, he picked me up and left the band to help me. I feel like for the first time I have a friend.

My phone rings and I see a message from...

Hi guys :) 170 reads!!!! Thank you so much :))

Did you liked the 7th chapter? I know it's a little bit small, but I hope you like it.

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