11st Chapter

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Harry lays his head on my legs and hold my hand. He keeps moaning so much. I wish I coul help him with the pain.

Niall - I'm driving to our house. They're I can give him something for the pain and he can go to bed and rest.

Me - Sure. I go with you.

Harry - Lea...

Me - Yes. / I say worried.

Harry - We can't go home...

Me - What you mean Harry?

Harry - We can't.

Why? What happened on the house? He never tells me nothing. I'm hopping Niall says something.

Me - Okay.

Niall - What?

Harry - We can't go home.

Niall - What you mean we can't go home? / he says angry.

Harry - The house is all broken.

Niall - WHAT?!!

He puts his foot on the brake and the car gives a jolt forward and stands in the middle of the road.

Niall - What DID you do?

Harry - OUCH!

He screamed and put his hands on his head.

Naill - Perfect. Now we'll stay on the street. Fuck this!!!

I really wanted to help, and seriously, I didn't wanted to stay on the street like this. I looked to my clock, 5a.m. WHAT?? Time passed so fast!! That's impossible, maybe my clock is not working.

Me - Niall, what time is it?

Niall - 5a.m. I'm sorry Lea.

Me - It's okay. My mom isn't at home, we can take him there.

Niall - No. I don't wanna cause you more problems.

Me - It's not a problem Niall, I won't leave you both here with no place to go.

Niall - I don't know.

Me - You don't have to, please. Don't worry.

Niall - Okay, thank you so much Lea. I really don't know how to thank you, you're an angel.

I blush.

Me - Thank you, let's go.

He starts driving and I can see that Harry continues with his hands over his head.

I tooked his hands on mines and sayed.

Me - It's okay.

He looks at me.

Harry - Don't leave me Lea. / he says

Me - I won't.

He needs me. I can't believe he really needs me, it's a little hard to believe. I just hope he doesn't leave me when he gets better.

Whe arrived home and Niall helped me taking Harry to the sofa.

Niall - I just don't know what to say Lea. Really, you're amazing. I don't deserve it.

Me - Don't say that Niall, you do deserve. 

Niall - I don't wanna be a trouble, are you sure it's okay for us to stay here?

Me - Yes, don't worry. We have an extra room if you want to sleep.

Niall - Thank you, I think I'm just going to sleep a bit.

Me - Don't worry, I stay with him.

Niall - Thanks Lea.

He hugs me and goes to sleep.

Harry - Lea... / I ear Harry calling from the sofa.

Me - Yes?

I go to the sofa and sit in front of him with my knees on the ground.

Me - Do you want anything to eat?

Harry - No, I'm fine. Thank you.

Me - I'll take you to my bedroom, it's more comfortable then the sofa.

Harry - What about you?

Me - Don't worry about me, I'll stay on the couch.

Harry - It's not necessary you could stay with... / he stops talking and looks at me.

Me - It's okay, really. Come on.

I grab his harm and take him to my bedroom, he stays on my bed and I say good nigh before leaving to the living room.

Good night??? You're so stupid Lea. Seriously?? In fact, it's not dark anymore. It's 5:30a.m.

You could've sayed so many things and you sayed good night?? God!! 

I sit on the sofa and turn the TV on. I was tired but I didn't wanted to sleep. 

I have Niall and Harry on my house sleeping after Niall found him on the street after a figh. I really don't want to sleep. But I don't want to think about this a lot because I really want to help Harry.

15 minutes later I ear something on my bedroom, it looks like something as fall to the ground and broke.

Is Harry okay?

I ran to my room and when I got in I saw...

11st Chapter, Iknow it was short but I hope you've liked it :) 

Please comment and keep reading the fic  xo Maffy ;)

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