9th Chapter - " Just saying... "

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He left the room and I did the same, my clases for today were finished so I went home. When I was in the middle of the way, I see a guy walking in front of me and when I look to his face he seems familiar. It's Zayn. I don't know if I should say hi to him, the last and first time he saw me I think he didn't liked me.

He was almost passing throug me when he says.

Zayn - Hi.

I stop and look at him.

Me - Hi. / I say uncomfrotable.

Zayn - Are you okay?

Me - Yes, why?

Zayn - I don't know, you seem strange.

Me - No, it's just that. I don't know, I though you didn't like me. / I end up saying and start blushing.

Zayn - Sorry about that. I wasn't very nice. But it had nothing to do with you, really.

Me - Yeah, I don't know why I even though about that. / I say embaressed.

Zayn - It's okay. / smiles. / I gotta go, see ya around.

Me - Sure, bye.

He goes away and I continue my way home.


Okay, maybe he though that I'm stupid but, I wasn't sure about what he had against me. And aparently he does not have nothing.

When I arrived home I started doing my homework and then I went to my room and picked up my guitar.

When I start playing the bell rings.

I go downs stairs and hoppen the door.

Mom - Hi swetie! / she smiles.

Me - Hi mom. You're more happy then usuall.

Mom - Well, work is going well. / she says happy. / How was school?

Me - Good.

Mom - Great. Today I have a dinner with some clients, you can come too, the restaurant is amazing.

I don't feel like I want to go. It's gonna be a busness dinner and that's going to be annoying.

Me - I'm sorry mom, but...

Mom - Shhh. Don't worry, you will not be alone, you can invite Bradley if you want.

My mom wnats me to be with Bradley all the time. I think that she thinks that I like him, but it's really not like that.

Me - Sure, I'm gonna talk with him. But mom...

Mom - Yes?

Me - Me and Bradley are just friends okay?

Mom - Of course. I didn't said nothing.

Me - I know, but you though about that.

Mom - Message received.

Me - Thank you. I'm gonna call him.

Mom - Good. / she smiles.

I go to my room and call Bradley.


Bradley - Lea?

Me - Yes it's me.

Bradley - How was your school today? I haven't seen you at school because I left on the middle of a class.

Me - Why?

Bradley - I'm sick. I just can't get out of the house.

Me - Oh. Then I can't invite you for a super boring dinner with my mother andsome of her clients, you would have a great time!

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