6th Chapter

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When he finally puts me on the gound, he looks at the end of the street and puls me against the wall.


What is he doing??

Me - What are you doing?

Harry - Shh. / he says while he puts his fingers on my lips. A wave of eletricity through my whole body when he touched me.

Harry - Don't move. Stay here. / he says while he turns his back on me and starts walking through the street.


Okay... Can someone please tell me what's happening?? Why is he so weird? What is happening? I'm start getting scared.

Harry - FUCK! / he screams, and I jump out of the wall and run to see waht's happening, when I reach him I see a car all painted in red without tires and I see Harry next to it with his hands pulling up his hair.

Harry - I told you to stay there.

Me - I heard you screaming, I got worried.

Harry - You don't need to!! I CAN take care of myself OKAY? / he starts screaming with me and I just stay with my feet frozen.


I don't like when he screams, I just wanted to help, like I always want. Maybe I should stop, when I want to help people they always keep me away and treat me like this, like I was a parasite. I'm used to that, people never liked me, I don't have any friends, why would it be different this time? It will not be, I will always be alone, only with my mother travelling from here to there, always like this. My destiny is not have friends for the rest of my life. I shoud've now that. 

This time won't be different. I don't now what I though, but I just want to leave this place, leave Harry and go home where I can cry alone. Like always.

I turn around and try to stop the tears from falling, when I was living that place and was almost about to start running, Harry grabs my arm and pulls me against him. He looks to my eyes.

Harry - Are you crying? / he says worried.

Me - No. / I say without looking at him. Now he's worried?? 

Harry - I can see that you are.

Me -Then WHY did you ask? / I scream.

Harry - I'm sorry. I didn't wanted to leave you crying.

WHAT?? He didn't?? Now he's trying to be sweet and says ' sorry '. What the hell is wrong with him?? I just can't understand him, in fact, I don't now if I want to. He's to bipolar, and I can't take that.

Me - Just, leave okay. I wanna go home.

Harry - I'll take you.


Harry - Stop what? / says confused.

Me - Stop sayng me what I will do, you can't do that. I will go home without you! Yes, I will!! That's what I want and you can't force me to go with you!

Harry - And how is supossed you to go home? Tell me mrs. intelligent.

Me - That's up to me, leave it okay?!!

Harry - Let me help you./ he asks upset.

Me - It's not worth it Harry. Leave me okay?

Harry - I can't do that.


Harry - What did you said?

Me - I said B-I-P-O-L-A-R. That's what you are.

Harry - Why are you saying that.

Me - Because in one minute you are stupid, rude, selfish and hate me and the other you're trying to be nice prettending that you CARE!! FOR GOD SAKE!!

Harry - I really do.

Me - Do what?

Harry - Care.

Me - God!! Please Harry, you don't have to say that. I know you don't.

Harry - Now you stop it!!

Me - What??

Harry - You think that you now everything, but you don't!! You don't know what I want, you don't who I am.

Me - That's because you don't let me. Like yesterday.

Harry - What's wrong with yesterday? / says angry.

Me - Yesterday, I wanted to help you, and you were stupid and basically slammed the door on my face!!

Harry - That's not true.

Me - Yes it is. And you now that!

I just don't know what to say more. It seems like he's two different persons. I don't think I want to meet them.

I pick up my phone and call Bradley.

Harry - What are you doing?

Me - I'm going home.

Harry - How?


Brad - Mallorie?

Me - Brad?

Brad - Yeah, where are you?

Me - Brad, I need you to pick me. I'm lost and I really need help.

Brad - What's happening? Where are you.

Me - Wait just a sec.

I turn my eyes to Harry.

Me - Where are we? / he dosen't respond.


Harry - We're on a street paralllel to the 50 Avenue.


Me - I'm on a paralllel of the 50 Avenue Brad.

Brad - That's enough. Don't leave that place. I'm coming okay?

Me - Thanks Brad.

Brad - Bye. I'm comming righ now okay?

Me - Okay, thanks. Bye.

Brad - Bye.


Harry - That wasn't necessary.

Me - What?

Harry - Calling him. / he says angry.

Me - Stop IT Harry!! He is better person then you.

Harry - No he's NOT!! / he says.

Me - Yes he is!! He's not bipolar, he is only one person, and that person is nice generous. That's something you can't be.

Harry - YES I CAN!

Me - NO YOU CAN'T!! / we where yelling at each other in the middle of the street and everyone that was passing there was looking at us.

Harry - You don't know. / he says more calm.

Me - I don't want to.

Harry - I'm SORRY OKAY?

He's saying sorry, but I'm pretty shure he doesn't know why he's saying sorry. He's only playing games with me.

Me - Sorry for what??

Harry - About yesterday OKAY? I was drunk and I wasn't looking at what I was doing. The guy you saw yesterday wasn't me.


I just don't now what to say. I'm just not sure of anything.

A car horn behinds me and I see that Brad arrived.

When I turned my back, I eared wishpering something. I'm not sure of  what it was, but I'm sure he sayed something.

I get into the car and Brad starts driving from that place...

This was the 6th Chapter :) did you guys liked it? Please tell me, I need to know if I should continue the fic. Your opinions are very important.

xo Maffy ;)

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