26th Chapter " I love you "

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I couldn't believe what was happening!! I don't want Liam to get hurt!

Me - Liam...

Liam - Just get into the car Lea. I will take you home, just GO!!

I couldn't say anything, I just got into his car and wait.

I couldn't stop thinking how stupid I am for living him there. I can't leave him there. I was about to get out of the car when Liam was opening the door.

Me - Oh my God! Liam are you okay??

Liam - Don't worry I'm fine. Who whore those guys??

Me- I don't know. I can't believe you did that. I will never be able to thank you enough.

Liam - You don't have to. I saw you and I saw what they were about to do, I wasn't leaving you there.

Me - Liam I...

Liam - It's okay, Don't worry abou that, and don't worry about them. I'm sure they won't be back.

Me - What have you say to them?

Liam - That's not important. But you don't have to worry about them anymore. Now I'm going to take home.

Me - Thank you.

When we got home, I saw Harry on the phone right in front of my house. WHAT? What is he doing here??

He left me at school and he's here? What his happening. Liam stops the car and Harry looks at it to try to find out who's on the inside.

I get out of the car and when he sees who's driving I can see that his eyes explode.

Me - Thank you so much Liam.

Liam - It's okay you don't have to thank me. Are gonna be fine?

Me -Yeah don't worry.

Liam - I hope so, bye.

Me - Bye.

He drives away and I see Harry breaking his phone into the wall because of the nerves.

Now I'm more scared than I was minutes ago because of that boys.

I walk at him.

Me - Harry!

Harry - What do you want? / he says hangry.

Me - What is wrong with you?

Harry - Get the fuck away from me Lea.

He's not right. I just can't understand. I don't know why he's like this! Is it because of Liam??

Me - Can you explain me what's wrong?

Harry - What's WRONG? Do you still even ask? Such a smart.

Me - Stop it Harry!! Why are you talking with me like that?? Are you CRAZY?!

Harry - And you continue? Explain me what the fuck was that. The fuck I just saw right now!

Me - Harry...

Harry - I can't belive you've let him drove you home! Are you mad??

Me - Harry I...

Harry - You gotta be kidding me!! I'm really stupid sometimes! 

He beats a wall and his hand just starts to bleed.

I shudder. But I can't give up. He hasn't let me explain why I came with Liam. And I can't believe his like this just because of Liam. There's gotta be something else! But what??

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2014 ⏰

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