16th Chapter - " Not expecting "

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xx - Good morning lovely.

Me - Harry?!


I was surprised by seing him outside of my door with his school books on his arms.

He was smilling, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. 

Harry - So... I was thinking if... If you wanted to go to school with me. / he looks at me and I can see that he was scared about the reacion I could get. 

Me - Sure.

Harry - Really? / he says with the sparkle back on his eyes.

Me - Yes, let me just go pick up my things.

I went to the living room and picked up my books. Whe I arrived to the door I saw him waitting for me. 

Me - You're different.

Harry - What you mean?

Me - It seems like you're more happy than usual.

Harry - You think?

Me - Yes.

Harry - Well, that's because I'm with you. I'm not particulary in a good mood today.

Did he just said that he's happy because he's with me? That's impossible!

Me - Well, I would never say that. / I smile / You really seem happy.

Harry - I think that's good, considering the circumstances .

Me - What happened?

Harry - Niall got really angry with me.

Me - Why?

On the same moment I say " why " I remember that I was probably being nosy and I triedd to say:

Me - Sorry, I don't want to be nosy.

Harry - No, no. It's okay. I want to tell you. / he smiles.

Okay, this is really not normal. This Harry that is here with me right now it's not the same Harry that I meet a few days ago. He's more lovable and I'm really loving it.

Me - You do? / I say surprised.

Harry - Yes. Today you can ask anything you want, I promise I won't get mad.

Me - Are you serious right now?

Harry - Yes. If I was you I'm sure I would have many questions for a guy like me. / he smiles

Me - You're right, I have.

Harry - Well, you can ask.

I just hope this doesn't go bad. I really wnat to ask him so many questions, but I have to think very well about what I want him to explain. Like, what happened between him and Niall, how does he know so many things about me, what happened with his house, why he's always full of scars, how did he get a new car so fast and why didn't he care about the other one, what happened between him and Bradley...

Harry - Are you thinking about what you want to ask me? / he laughs.

I start laughing with him.

Me - Yes I am. I just don't know...

Harry - I promise I won't get mad Lea. Tell me.

Me - I just have so many questions that I odn't even know where to begin.

Harry - Well, let's start from the begining. 

Me - Okay, first...

Harry - Yes/ he says smiling.

Me - Why did Niall got angry with you?

Harry - Niall it's just to good for me you know? There was a time when I was not doing the most amazing things I could. I started getting involved with some dangerous guys and I started making some assaults... Nothing very big you know, but... it was big enough to hurt people. Niall was there for me, he helped me getting out of that shit and he doesn't want me to go back and start doing the same things because he cares about me.

Me - But... did you satarted doing those things again?

Harry - No, 'course not Lea. When I finally understood the pain I was giving to people by doing those things I wanted to stop. But when you start hanging out with this people only bad things can come on your way you know? I started drinking a lot and every night when I arrived home I was covered in blood and I couldn't feel me body. I couldn't even feel me breathing. I mom been threw a hell because of me.

I don't like the things I did Lea, I did many horrible things but... I won't repeat them. And Niall is afraid because he thinks that I can repeat them. 

Me - Why does he think that?

Harry - Because the guys that I used to hang out on that fase are here in New York looking for me. Looking for a new hold partner you know.

Me - Did you ever though about meet them and... you know...

Harry - No, no. I don't want to see them again, I don't wanna be the person I was a year ago. I just won't let that happen.

Me - What happened to your car when I meet you on the street. Were... 

Harry - Yes. They did that to my car.

Me - Oh my god. / I stop on the street.

Harry looked at me and holded my hands.

Harry - Lea... I don't want you to be afraid of me... I don't want you be scared with all of this. I just...

Me - It's okay Harry, I wanted to know.

Harry - I know. / his eyes looked into mines and I just end up losing myself on his eyes. Those eyes... where so familiar but at the same time strangers.

Me - What happened between you and Bradley.

Harry - Those guys I talked you about ended up finding me.

Me - What? / I asked worried.

Harry - Yeah. Bradley saw me with them and started formulating false acusacions. They didn't liked so they started bitting him.

Me - Oh my god. / I couldn't believe this. Even Bradley gets hurt on this story. I feel like it's my fault.

Harry - I helped him but he keeped thinking that I was with them.

Me - That's why he told me to get away from you. / I say more to myself.

Harry - What?! / he says getting mad.

Me - Bradley told me to be careful and get away from you because you could hurt me.

Harry - He said what? He doesn't know where he's getting INTO! / he yeled.

Me - Harry...

Harry - What did you sayd to him? / he asks nervous.

Me - He maid me promise that I wouldn't speak with you again.

Harry - Who does he THINK he is? He's so done with me! I AM gonna...

I got close to him and holded his face on my hands.

Me - Harry. I don't care a thing about what he sayd. I know you would never hurt me.

Harry - Are you serious? / he asks worried.

Me - If I wasn't serious I would not be here talking to you.

He smiles.

Harry - I think it's not worth it.

Me - What?

16th Chapter!!! :) Hope ya all liked it!

Thank you so much for reading my fic, love you :) xo 

I'm gonna be publishing 2 MORE BONUS CHAPTERS TODAY!!!!! ;)

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