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Jack's POV

I ended up getting fired from my old job, I browsed the internet looking for a bartering job or even something remotely close. I read some text, "Rainbow Strip now Hiring Dancers" I thought about the guy from last night and that morning. As I clicked the page a little forum came up. AS I typed my info I began to think of my old job, I was a bartender for a places called "Moe's" but I had some experience as a dancer way back. My forehead began sweating as I waited for the email. After I played some Amnesia: The dark decent, my phone rang. I clicked the screen on and read the email. "Congrats Sean Mcloughlin, you're on the list. You can come the for interview tomorrow at 5:30." I practically jump out of my white and blue socks. As I opened my fridge for some more food my fridge was practically empty. I reached for my keys, coat, and shoes and left the house and drove to the store. The lady at the register was weird, quiet, all she did was give me looks while I was paying. I think her name was "Martha" she was a cat lover who used to work at a shelter, that's what she told me. Although when she told me she did it harshly, like she didn't like me. I just shrugged it off and drove home.

*Time Skip*

I finished unloading the groceries and went to bed, tomorrow was the interview so I had to rest.

*Another Time Skip*

I raced out of bed and leaped to the bathroom, I floofed my hair, combed, showered, brushed my teeth, sprayed an excessive amount of cologne, deodorant, ate breakfast, got dressed, and dashed to my car.

Mark's POV

I sat by the bar waiting for Sean, I wondered if it was the guy from the Cafe. I felt Matt tap my shoulder and when I turned to see where he was pointing my eyes light up, I walked to him. "Sean Mcloughlin?" He turned and widened his eyes. I felt my face get hot. "This way please." I guided him through the building giving him a tour then I lead him to my office. "Take a seat Sean." He chuckled "Ya bastard didn't I tell you to call me Jack." I lightly laughed and grabbed my files. "Oh yeah, sorry "Jack"." His name slid off my tongue like smooth butter. I cleared my throat and he looked at me sternly, his electrifying blue eyes gazed into my Mocha brown eyes. "So..... it says here you have experience with dancing, and bartending." He nodded slowly. "Hmmm, show me what you can do." He blushed "S-Sir?" I set my files down and rest my head on my hands. "Dance for me~" I seductively whispered for him to only hear. "You seem, meek~ Prove me wrong Sean~" I growled. He took the hint, his eyes depend with lust. He walked slowly to my desk tracing his fingers along the rim. He grabbed my collar and pulled me close "As you wish~" the urge to take him as mine here and there was hard to bear, but I had too. My breathing became rough, cold sweat formed on my head. He turned and pulled off his shirt slowly, gazing at me from over his shoulder like a tease.

Jack's POV

I pulled off my shirt and walked to him again putting my knees on the sides of his legs and sitting on top of him. Our pants grinding together. He arched his neck back, my head was spinning but my body continued on it own, I reached my head towards his neck and softly sucked and bit on it. He moaned softly and occasionally growling or groaning. He held his hand up, "You're i-in..." He said breathlessly. My smirk went to a large grin as I got up from him and placed my shirt back on. "When do I start?" I curiously asked him. "W-when ever you want S-..... Jack." I tapped my finger on my chin, "Can I start today?" He buttoned his shirt while he thought. "Sure, here take this." He handed me some keys with labels and a walkie talkie sort of thing, but it was crazy small with 3 buttons, and 2 knobs. "The left button contacts me, that's why its red, Only for emergencies. The middle one contacts a certain person, the dial controls who you contact, the right button will contact everyone, use it to let people know what you see, if you need some help, or someone is assaulting you use this or the red button. Ok?" I nodded slowly. "Here's a handbook if you need it, and there's a map of the building if you need it. GO ahead to the lockers and costume room to get changed, choose your costume, club opens in an hour. You are gonna start as a bartender, a popular costume for the bartenders is the Cop outfit, or the Mafia outfit." I nodded and walked out the office and to the room, I put on the Mafia outfit since the police outfit was a little to much for my first day. I walked out of the changing room and ran into some guy called Matt. "Hi there," he waved "Are you the newbie?" I laughed. "Y-Yeah." He punched my shoulder, "Here is a name tag, write your name on it. He passed me a pen. "T-Thanks." He smiled "No problem, hm, club is about to open, you better get to the bar." He shoved my back forward. "Good luck."

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