Like a Fairy Tail

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3 person POV

Mark and Jack had moved back in with each other.

Chica was happier.

Mark returned to work.

And Jack stayed at home with Chica.

One day Mark came home and sat on the couch. "Hey Darling." He greeted Jack and kissed his lips lovingly. "Hey Markimoo," Jack replied, and cuddled into Mark until Mark had spoken up again.

Mark POV

Damn I'm nervous...

"So... Jack."

"Yeah Mark?"

"Wanna go out for dinner?"


Deep breaths.

I disappeared upstairs, "Gimme a sec." He nodded, And I went into our room.

Jack POV

Mark had come back downstairs in a nice casual outfit and I grinned, "Lets go love." I locked my arm with him and we set out for the mysterious place he was taking me.


He blindfolded me and when I opened them we were in... The first place we ever met. My eyes widened and I turned and kissed Mark "you're such a sweetheart..." I mumbled, and he proudly smiled. We sat down in a booth and ordered our food.

And when I had finished up Mark pulled out two tickets, "Movie?" I grinned widely, "Duh!" Mark and I both got up, paid, and went to our car. I hopped inside with a smile on my face,

Dinner.... check.

Movie... not yet. But soon.

"What Movie are we gonna watch!?" I asked excitedly

"Surprise." He said while continueing to drive.  I pouted.


After the movie Mark had blindfolded me, and had now taken me to another mysterious place.

I was standing outside, on grass maybe. When he uncovered my eyes and they widened, the lights of L.A were in my eyes as we were sitting on a cliff-Like place. A small picnic set-up was under me and I turned to kiss Mark "Tha-" My words were cut short when I saw...

Mark was.... on one knee.

Holding a black velvet box...

With the prettiest diamond ring I had ever seen.

I covered my mouth and tears brimmed eyes and began to fall.

"Jack will yo-"

I immediately leaped onto him and peppered him with kisses. "Of course I will you big doof!" I smiled, and he did too, holding me tightly and kissing me back.

All of this felt like a Fairy tale.

~6 years later~  (big jump)

Mark and I were standing on the side walk "Bye Tim, Bye Sammy!" We waved as our little four year old son and daughter went into their first day of Kindergarten. "Bye dadas!" They called before going into class.

"It's been a long time comin huh?" Mark asked.

I nodded.

"Yeah but. That's how most fairy tales are." I pecked him lips and smiled.

(AND THERE'S THE END! I'm really happy with this book. I'm proud of it. But let me know any ways to fix this ending. I'm really bad at endings. Thank you guys so much!


*love you!*

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